"For the food?" he inquired, knowingly teasing. Of course, I didn't want to eat the food, but there were other cravings like  he and I could indulge in...

"I loathe you, you know that?" I declared, my gaze fixed on him.

"Of course, mi vida," he replied, his lips forming a smirk while dimples creased his smooth cheeks.

Before I knew it, I was wrapped in his embrace. I hastily wrapped my legs around him, and in an instant, our lips met in a passionate kiss.

The kiss enveloped me in a whirlwind of emotions, fulfilling a longing deep within me.

Namjoon's lips possessed a captivating allure, unlike anything I had experienced before.

Each moment was a revelation, igniting sensations I never knew existed. With every press of his lips against mine, I found myself surrendering to an intoxicating ecstasy, relishing the intensity of the connection.

His assertiveness in the kiss was enchanting, a mere glance from him enough to seize control of the moment.

The gentle touch of his hand on my waist added to the enchantment, sending shivers down my spine.

Every aspect of the embrace was perfection—the intertwining of our lips, the playful dance of our tongues, the reassuring grip I held on him—it was a symphony of desire.

Yet, as my yearning grew, so did my frustration at the interruption. Just as my hands traced his chest, the door swung open, abruptly halting our moment of bliss.

Taehyung's hurried entrance shattered the spell, his words tumbling out in a breathless flurry.

"Sorry to intrude," he began, stumbling over his words, "but Namjoon hyung, you mentioned we needed to leave for the engagement site inspection in fifteen minutes."

Reluctantly, I tore myself away from Namjoon, my body trembling with unfulfilled desire. I couldn't help but feel a surge of irritation towards Taehyung, wishing I could direct my frustration at him.

"Right, let's go," Namjoon responded, and I suppressed the urge to protest like a petulant child.

"You taste divine darling!" Namjoon's whispered compliment lingered in my ears, flushing my cheeks crimson with embarrassment.

Taehyung's gaze met mine, and I knew he could sense the brewing storm of frustration within me.

Why had I allowed myself to succumb to Namjoon's allure?

Why did I crave more of him, despite knowing the complications it would bring?

I resisted the urge to dwell on these questions, refusing to acknowledge the possibility of falling for him.

But deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that he might be right—that in time, I would indeed find myself helplessly in love with him.

It was a thought I vehemently rejected, clinging to the hope that I could somehow make him yearn for me instead, make him beg on his knees for me. Yet, in my heart, I knew it was a futile wish.


I descended the stairs after finishing my meal and taking a refreshing shower. Entering the living room, I found them all there, with Namjoon chuckling heartily at something Jimin had shared. His laughter seemed to strum the strings of my heart, composing a melody that harmonized perfectly with his joy. Oh, how I wished I could bask in the sound of his laughter for eternity.

But alas, such a prospect was but a dream. Despite my attraction to him, and my desires to have him, I wasn't in love with Namjoon. In simpler terms, he was nothing but an asshole, and I had no intentions of spending my life with him.

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