A Lying Witch and a Warden

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Open on a witch with green hair and a staff backflipping onto a cliff. She glares up at a large purple snake.

Gildersnake: Foolish child! I could swallow you whole! (Hisses.)

Azura: Do not underestimate me, Gildersnake, for I am the Good Witch Azura, warrior of peace! (Poses as wind blows her hair before dropping into a battle stance and holding her staff like a bazooka.) Now eat this, sucka! (Fires off staff.)

Gildersnake: (While being shot.) No! My only weakness: dying! (Collapses.)

Cuts to a doll of Azura and a green snake being held.

Luz: And that's the end.

Luz Noceda The Good Witch! A

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Luz Noceda The Good Witch! A.K.A the Next Kamen Rider Wiseman!

Camila: The end of what?

Camila: The end of what?

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Camila Noceda

Luz: My book report. (The snake hisses and bites the doll.) I think I knocked it out of the park.

Principal Hal: Your book report is why you're in here.

He gestures to the door, through which two students can be seen outside running by screaming, snakes biting their heads

Luz Oh. That's where the backup snakes went.

Camila: And what were you going to do with this? (Holds up several firecrackers tied together.)

Luz: That was for the Act Three closer.

Camila: Mija, I love your creativity, but it's gotten out of hand. Do you remember why you were in the principal's office the last three times?

Cut to Luz on stage at an audition for Romeo and Juliet, holding a spork

Luz: O happy dagger, give me death!

Luz stabs the spork into her torso before tearing her dress, making several links of sausages fall out. Everyone else on stage screams and runs. Cut to Luz sewing a pigeon head onto a squirrel's body, on a platform labelled "baby griffin

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