Chapter 3-A Gentle Bath

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You walked over to Moon as he came up to you and Sun with a soapy bucket of water, and what looked to be a washcloth. He set the bucket on a table in the craft corner, and handed you the washcloth.
"Alright, who wants to go first?" You asked them as they both sat on the table.
"I guess I'll go first since Moon isn't the fondest of baths." Sun said, slightly raising his hand in the air.
"Alright." You said, dunking the washcloth in the warm bucket of water and started rubbing it on Sun's legs where there was marker, or glitter glue stuck to him. You slowly moved up to his thighs, then you moved to his waist, when you suddenly heard a wince come from Sun. You looked up to see him have a face full of blush, and he looked down at you when he felt you stop.
"S-sorry, you just r-rubbed a s-soft spot." He told you.
"Oh sorry, I'll try to avoid the area if you want me too." You said.
"No it's ok, I'll be just alright." He said to you reassuring you that you didn't have to. You continued washing him, when you made your way to his torso you could hear a few giggles come from him, but you just figured that it was his sensory system. You made your way from his torso to his arms, then shoulders, then face. There was a little spot on his face that wouldn't come off, and each time you tried rubbing it, his rays would spin.
"Sunny, if you want me to clean you properly, you're gonna have to keep your rays from spinning." You said.
"I know, sorry." He apologized.
"It's fine." You said, as you continued trying to scrub his face plate. You had or admit, you were in a really awkward position, when you had to scrub his shoulders, you had to get up, and stand on the table, now you were surprisingly a little taller than Sun, who was still sitting on the table. You had to lean in really close to his face to scrub it off.
"Oh my gosh, it finally rubbed off." You said as you got down from the table. You were a little annoyed at how it just wouldn't come off. But finally after what felt like forever of scrubbing, it came off. "Alright Moony, it's your turn to get scrubbed." You said walking over to where he was sitting at the table.
"I said no." Moon said, crossing his arms, now sitting on the table like a cat.
"Moon you have to get scrubbed, it's on my list of things to do." You said, pulling out your phone and slightly shaking it.
"And, I don't want to get scrubbed." He said, looking away from you, pouting.
"Oh you're getting scrubbed." You said, as you lunged at him. "C'mere you!" You yelled. You heard Moon scream like a little girl as you tackled him to the ground. He was trying to get away, but you had him by the waist, and wasn't letting go anytime soon. Sun looked at the both of you and gasped. He watched as the two of you sprawled on the floor. He sighed, then hopped off the table, grabbed Moon's hands and pinned them to the ground. Moon struggled to no avail as you had sat on his legs. You soon started scrubbing where there was and type of glitter glue or marker on Moon, as he winced, and tried to escape multiple times, still to no avail. As you made your way to his thighs, he started to wince. But once you made it to his waist, you rubbed a You heard a small moan come from Moon's direction. You slowly looked up to see Moon looking down at you with blush all over his face. You slowly felt some blush creep on your face. "W-was that you?" You asked quietly, towards Moon.
"...Parts and Services gave me a more sensitive system than Sun's, because I have to be a little more delicate with the children." He said looking away, almost shameful.
"That's perfectly fine, you know you could have just told me right? I wouldn't judge you at all." You said. Moon looked at you with surprise on his face.
"You wouldn't?" He asked.
"Of course not, why would I. I mean just because you were literally built different, doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, I mean, if we're just gonna tell each other secrets, I have a few soft spots myself." You said.( Idk if you actually do, but if you don't, please just pretend you do for this.). Sun and Moon looked at you with surprise, but it both soon turned to happiness. Sun's was easier to see considering the rays on his head spun. But Moon just had a small smile creep on his face.
"Ok, well maybe just be a little more gentle...please." He asked.
"Oh course Moony." You said.
You continued scrubbing him down a little more gently. Sun still had to hold him down, while you straddled him, or kneeled beside him, depending on where you had to scrub. He winced only a little more when you had to scrub his upper torso snd his cheeks.(HIS FACE, WHEN YOU HAD TO SCRUB HIS FACE OKAY, you horny mother fuckers, you're not going to be scrubbing his skinny ass for Pete's sake.). When you finished, apologized for causing so much trouble. But you easily forgave him with a hug, where you heard that same purring sound. Sun didn't want be left out of the hug, so after you hugged Moon, you hugged Sun too, where you once again heard that purring noise. I have to ask them about that you thought to yourself.
"Hey Sunny, Moony, whenever I hug you guys, I always hear this purring sound, so you perhaps know what it is?" You asked them both.
"Oh well, me and Moony were installed with heating systems a while back, so that when we hug children, it's not our cold medal skin, but when it turns on, it makes this wiring sort of noise." Sun said.
"Oh ok." You said. You had no idea that they had heating systems. I mean it made sense, considering the blush appeared every so often.

Time Skip

   You returned home after a long day at work, and collapsed into your bed.  You got under the covers, and plugged in your phone.  You rolled on your back and looked at the ceiling.  You had the best day ever, and almost couldn't wait for tomorrow, you already knew Sun and Moon were planning what they were going to do tomorrow.  You slowly started to drift off into dream land, thinking about Sun and Moon, until you fully fell into a deep slumber.

Hey guys, sorry it took me while to post this, but I was visiting family, and I hadn't seen them since last Christmas which was like 3 months ago sooo... but besides my family issues, I'll try to keep my posts regulated, and work on it.  Hope yall have a good morning/evening/night love ya my little aliens 👽 ❤️.

Sun/Moon x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon