Chapter 1-New Job

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     You wake up on a bright Monday morning, and you honestly feel like shit.  You roll out of bed and suddenly remember that you had applied for a new job, and you were starting today.  They had said you needed to be in the building by 6:30AM.  You grabbed your phone and saw it was 6:00AM.  You ran into the bathroom, brushed your teeth and hair( if you have hair ), then ran to your walk-in closet and quickly picked out a nice blue shirt with some banana yellow pants.  /The lady on the phone said to wear blue and yellow so this should be good right?/ (oh yeah and btw /this means your thoughts/ because for some reason Wattpad won't let me use the italics). You then grabbed a blue and yellow tie that you had in your closet and put of on, ( if you would want one ).  You then grabbed all your essentials, and ran out the door.  You also made sure to lock it when you left.  You ran to your car and speed down the road to the Pizza Plex Mall.  You were surprised you hadn't gotten pulled over, but you didn't want to jinx your chances, so you parked your car in the closest parking spot, and then ran into the mall.  A man walked up to you and asked,
     "Would you happen to be Y/n?"  He asked.  He had a slight Hispanic accent, had brown hair and eyes, and a Faz Bear uniform on.
     "Yes, that'"  You were still gasping from the full on sprint you just ran.
     "You made it just on time," He said as the man checked his watch, "My name is Linx by the way."  He said handing out his hand to you.  You took it and shook it, finally able to catch your breath again.  "I'll be escorting you around the mall, and to where you'll be working here."  He said to you, giving you a nice smile.  You thanked him and the two of you soon started walking.

✨ Time Skip✨

     "And this is the daycare, where you'll be working with the two animatronics Sun and Moon."  Linx said, gesturing to the daycare's giant wooden doors.  "You should probably go in since your shift starts in about 6 to 5 minutes."  He said, checking a watch he had on his wrist.
     "Thank you Linx."  You thanked him as you walked to the giant wooden doors and pushed on them, watching them as they slowly opened, revealing a huge room with a ballpit, play structures, and a little table with shelves covered in art supplies next to it.  You walked inside and looked around, it was very spacious.  You soon noticed a desk at the front, so you walked over and placed your stuff down, and clocked in.(Guys I'm writing this while listening to music, and Rises the Moon just came on I'm gonna cry omg 😭). Suddenly a huge figure jumped in front of you, and then another,( yes in this story Sun and Moon are separate. ). You had then been picked up by one of the beings by the waist and lifted at least 3 feet in the air.  "AGHH WHAT THE!?!"  You basically yelled, you were startled from being picked up.  You then looked at the thing that had picked you up, but it wasn't more of a thing, it was a him, and that him happened to be one of the animatronics you were going to be working with.  He looked like a sun, which you assumed to be Sun, and the other being the same thing, except he was a moon, so he must have been Moon.  Sun looked at you with a big smile and said,
     "YOU MUST BE OUR NEW ASSISTANT!!!" He yelled, almost bursting your eardrum.  You slightly covered your ears, as Moon had completely covered his ears.
     "Sun, your being to loud again!"  Moon said to Sun, he seemed to have reminded him, like he had done it before.  /This is going to be a long day, isn't it?/, you thought.
     "Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt your ears again, I'm sorry." Sun apologized over and over again.  And his rays had shrunken in a little.
     "On no it's fine, don't worry about it."  You said.  Didn't want him to worry.  He then put you down gently, and also apologized for startling you, you again apologized, and brushed it off your shoulder like it was nothing.
     "Oh my stars, how rude of me I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Sun, and this is my brother Moon."  He said gesturing to the animatronic beside him, you then realized how talk they were.  /They have to be at least 8 feet tall right?/ you thought.
     "Oh, my name is Y/n!"  You said cheerfully, giving them both a big smile.  You then suddenly heard laughing, and some giggling too.  You turned around to see where it was coming from, and you could tell it was coming from this giant blue and yellow side on the other side of the daycare, it was over the ball pit.
     "Oh, it's opening time already, I haven't even realized, oh well, it's time for you to meet everyone Y/n!"  Sun said, as he ran over to the edge of the ball pit.  You watched as Moon walked over to the light switch and dimmed the lights, then walked back over to you.
     "Follow me."  He said to you.  You obeyed and followed him to the ball pit too.  You soon watched as kids one by one came down the slide and into the ball pit.  They swam towards the exit near Sun and Moon, once the kid got out they both gave him a big hug at the same time, and then he ran off to who knows where.  You watched as all the other kids slid down the slide and landed into the ball pit, then did the same thing as the first kid.  Once everyone had come down the slide, Sun and Moon called all the kids over to them.  Once they all had arrived Sun started talking.
     "Okay everyone, this is Y/n," he said gesturing to you, "They are me and Moon's new assistant, they will be working here too, and I want you to treat them as you would treat me and Moony okay?"  All the kids seemed to agree at his statement, when a little girl raised her hand.  Sun called on her and she said,
     "Did Mx.Y/n get a hug from Sunny and Moony too?" All the kids nodded in agreement.
"Oh well we wanted to give Y/n their personal space, we weren't really sure if they would want a hug or not!" Sun said, squatting down to the kids level to talk to them, Moon did the same.
"I don't mind a hug at all." You said looking at them.
"You sure? Because you don't have to if you don't want to." Moon said reassuring you that you didn't have to have a hug.
"I'm sure I want one Moon, now come on bring it in!" You said flailing your arms open, they both came up to you and gave you a big hug. It was warm and comforting, but suddenly you noticed this whirring sound, almost like...purring? You first heard it from Sun, and then Moon. You looked up at them and asked, "Are you guys purring?".

Hey guys, so now Wattpad decided to work with me and let me use bold, and italics, but I'm not going back to fix the chapter consider ing it is currently 11:23Am rn where I am, and I also have school tomorrow, so I would really not like to have to be a slouch all day, but you never know what tomorrow has planned for you, so stay freaky my little aliens 👽 and have a good morning/afternoon/night ❤️.

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