Chapter Six

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At one-thirty in the morning, Andrea walked out of her workplace and into the parking lot. After looking around a bit just out of the door, she saw Happy already in the same truck he took her to work in waiting for her. Even though it was dark, the brunette could see him in the car turn his head up to look at the door when he saw it open. Andrea walked over to him and when he unlocked the doors, the light in the truck went on and she could see him more clearly.

Andrea opened the door after hitching her purse better over my shoulder, which she knew was pointless because she would take it off once she was in her seat and set it on her lap. Andrea carefully heaved herself up into the truck before sitting in the seat and shutting the door behind her. Happy watched her in case she had any trouble before he started the truck. During that time, Andrea took off her purse and set it by her feet before putting on her seatbelt and grabbing her purse again.

Happy began to drive out of the parking lot after Andrea got settled and comfortable in her seat. She told him as he began to get onto the road, "thanks again for picking me up and taking me to work. I really appreciate it."

"Like I said, no problem." Happy told her as he looked over at her for a moment before looking back out on the road.

"No really. It's super late and it's a drive back...I really mean it thank you." Andrea told him as she looked over at him.

Happy nodded and he turned the corner that would get him onto the highway. Andrea took a notice that he didn't even seem tired about being up this late and driving. Perhaps while she was at work he went back and slept for a couple of hours before he moved to pick her back up again. She wished she could have done that. She was exhausted and couldn't wait to get into her bed.

Andrea moved to lean her head against the window. It wasn't a long car ride back home, but it was enough for her to wish it came sooner.

Happy looked over at her and he told her before focusing on the road again, "I ordered your car part today, so it should be in by tomorrow and by the time you have to go to work I should have everything working again. I can drop it off at your house hopefully. When do you work tomorrow?"

"Same time." I answered.

"That should give me enough time. If not I'll pick you up again." Happy told her.

Andrea nodded, "thank there any way that I can pay you back for that."

After thinking about what she has said, she realized that maybe she shouldn't have put it exactly into those words. She didn't want to be doing anything she didn't want to do. She didn't know Happy enough to actually know if he would take advantage of her, but she also had in mind that if she had a bad feeling about Happy that she wouldn't be in this truck with him right now.

She explained, "like, I can pay you for the gas money and everything. That won't be a problem."

He shook his head, "it's fine."

Andrea sighed and admitted to him: "I...I just feel a little bad that you are doing all of these things for me."

He shook his head and looked over at her again before he answered her, "really, Andrea, I don't mind. You had bad luck with your truck and I just want to help."

Andrea almost thought that was weird. Maybe she was stereotyping with the idea of bikers or perhaps it was because he always seemed to have the face that he was mad, but she didn't see him as the helping-hand-type. She wondered why he was doing this. It was an awful lot of extra work for him.

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