Chapter Five

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            Andrea woke up around noon. She was tangled in her sheets with Nala laying beside her, her head rested against her other pillow. Andrea could not help but giggle at her dog. The dog instantly woke up and moved to lick Andrea's face excitedly. Andrea laughed and pulled away, patting the dog's head. She looked down and saw her two cats on the floor beside her, looking up at her now as well from being woken up.

            She smiled and leaned down to pet each cat before looking over her shoulder, the dog moving closer and leaning against her back, looking up at her with guilty eyes. Andrea smiled and patted her head a couple of times before she forced herself out of the covers. The bed was heavenly and she wanted to stay in, but she had a lot to do. She had to clean the house and do the gardening. She didn't have too long before going to work again.

            But first she was starving. She needed something to eat.

            Andrea walked out of her room, as she walked past the mirror on her dresser she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a little messy and she began to brush the hair with her fingers as she made her way to the washroom. The brunette went to the washroom and she shut the door behind her. She could already hear Nala whining at the other side of the door, wishing that she could be in the room as well.

            After quickly going to the washroom, Andrea turned on the water and undressed herself as she waited for the water to get warm. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw the scar at the shoulder going onto her back. She frowned a bit and hugged herself, her hands on her shoulder as she turned a little and still looked in the mirror. She saw the ugly scars across her back and on her hips and partly on her stomach. The burn scars. Andrea told herself again, the same as every time she noticed the scars again:

            She was close to saving up the money for surgery.

            She was close and soon, there would be no scars, no lasting memories, just as she had done with her face.

            Andrea forced herself from the mirror, not wanting those memories to come back. Andrea turned and looked at the shower before she moved to feel the water. It was hot enough for her and she turned it onto the showerhead mode. She moved behind the certain before getting into the shower, letting herself stand in the water. It was slow, but soon all of her hair was wet and the warm water rushed along her body. Andrea took in a deep breath and relaxed as she washed her hair and body before shutting off the water and drying herself off.

            The brunette had her hair wrapped around in a towel while another was wrapped around her body. She moved out of the bathroom with her dirty clothes in hand from the night before and she put them in her dirty laundry basket, her dog now following her close to her feet, the cats too, but for different reasons. She knew that Nala was sucking up to her for attention while Minnie and Monty did it because they were hungry.

            Reaching for her hairbrush after she put her clothes away, she heard the phone go off and she walked to the side of her bed. She picked up the phone and saw an unknown number, but she decided to pick it up anyway, keeping Happy Lowman and his promise to try and fix her car in time before she went to work. She looked at her clock as she sat on her bed and answered the phone, "hello?"

            It was almost one. She figured that she should start eating something soon so that she wouldn't have weird hunger patterns at work for the night.

            She heard a gruff voice and knew who it was immediately. She almost smiled when she heard Happy answer, "hey, it's me."

            "I figured. No one calls me." Andrea answered as she got up off the bed and walked to the kitchen, her pets following her. Andrea looked around the kitchen, thinking of things that she could make for lunch...or breakfast. Cereal sounded fine. Apple Cinnamon Cheerios.

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