Chapter 1

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"Yes yes I know now let's go we're going to be late!"I exclaimed while looking up at the clock.

"Ai-chan at least eat some bread or cereal!You can't go without eating breakfast;it's the most important meal of the day."My mother replied.

It was certainly very important as I love food,but there is more important things to be done,like going to school and ace the science test I've been preparing all week.

"I'll eat something from Kano-sama's shop alright?I can't be late to my science test!"I said while hurriedly putting on my shoes.

I hugged my mother goodbye and we set of to walk to school as we definitely missed the bus.

Time Skip
"Alright students time is up!"Mr Norman informed.

"That test was a piece of cake,right Arata?"I asked him.

"It wasn't for me,I couldn't answer most of them."He replied sadly looking at his lap.

"It's okay,I can tutor you!"I exclaimed.

"You sure,I mean as much as I find you annoying it would be hard tutoring me and balancing school life."He replied.

"Who said I'm doing it for free?"I answered while he gave me a confused look.

"You tutor me for Maths and I tutor you for Science.That way we'll both ace our tests.

I was mostly good in science and history but Arata was good in Maths and English.It's a good balance if you ask me.

"Fine,we'll pick a time and place at lunch,I'm just soooo hungry."He said.

Bell rings
We made our way to the cafeteria,but Arata didn't feel like eating with so many people so we ate outside on the benches.The cooling air breezing through my hair and the shade of the trees landing on our faces made me feel some type of way.

"How about the library every Monday for Maths,and every Wednesday for science?Then we can review in the weekends."I suggested.

"Sounds good,hope I can improve,or I won't get into my dream college!"Arata replied softly,however no best friend doesn't motivate the other.Nuh uh.Not me.

"Arata sometimes I wish I could just punch you.You have the best grades in our grade.One grade won't ruin that.They won't ask you why you failed your class test,would they?"I told him in hope of cheering him up.

"Yeah you're right,let's go play Minecraft later."He replied making me laugh.

"I just gave you the most motivating speech and you want to play Minecraft?!"I asked him sulking.

"Playing games is my love language,but only if I get to beat you."He replied.

We ate our lunches and packed our lunch boxes.There we were met with Madeline,the pick-me.

"Arata won't you come help me with my homework~"She asked him with the highest-as voice ever.

It didn't trouble me that she was looking for attention,it was just that she put down her friends and made fun of them for male validation.I sometimes feel sorry for them.Everyone does,and that's why Madeline only surrounds herself with the group of five girls.

"Sorry Madeline but I've made plans with Marine,maybe some other day."He told her.

"Okay fine~~"She said and put on a pouty face to go to some other boy.

I could hear her in the distance making fun of one of her "friends",Sophie.Sophie wasn't like the others,she was more quiet and reserved almost making me think they were bullying her.I really want to talk ti her to leave them but I'm afraid Madeline will start some drama.

I hope this chapter will make you guys stay tuned for the next!

Side note:Happy birthday Dk and Vernon✨

I'm 12 years younger than my dadWhere stories live. Discover now