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Brightening up my days,
Even in unexpected ways.

His smile, something I can't resist.
Wrinkles, around his eyes, makes my heart insist.

In every moment, our eyes intertwine,
A silent connection, so wonderfully divine.

Looking at me from the corner of eyes,
That makes my heart a paradise.

A secret language, so wise,
Eyes communicate with any disguise.

Behind a mask, his eyes hold a dreamy gaze,
Longing for his presence in every ways.

A smile, like a treasure to find.
His soul, oh so kind.

Feels like a unspoken connection,
Just as a beautiful affection.

My eyes, searching for him,
Making my heart go on a whim.

Taking secret glances, admiring him from hereafter.
In my heart, his presence brings so much cheer.

"Fate always has a hand in bringing people together, weaving their paths in ways they may not anticipate"

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