35 ― friendship and feelings.

Comenzar desde el principio

"Oh, so you're running away?" Tory asked. "That worked out well for you last time."

"I'm not running away," Robby responded.

"I hated you for what happened, you know. For what happened to Miguel and for hurting Achara. I hated Sam LaRusso. I hated everyone. I hated myself the most, but I didn't have the luxury of running away," Tory told him. "Sensei Kreese taught me that if you take all that hate, and you channel it..."

She started kicking and hitting the punching bag over and over again.

"It makes you stronger," Tory continued her previous statement, kicking the punching bag one more time. "And it feels good. Listen, a bunch of us are getting together after class. You should come. Or you can run away again."

Tory exited the room. Robby looked at Achara.

"She's right, you know," Achara said. "When you let out all that anger that you keep inside, you'll feel much better about yourself."

Robby just nodded his head.

"And you should totally come later," Achara told him. "I can drive you if you want."

"Yeah, sure," Robby replied. "Why not?"

Achara smiled at him and then left the room, joining the others for class.


Achara and Robby walked through the woods, leaves and branches crunching and snapping under their feet. Robby kept asking her what they were doing, but Achara refused to tell him. She didn't want to spoil the surprise. They approached the gate where the others stood, laughing amongst themselves.

Hawk's smile faded when he saw Robby standing in front of him.

"You two took your sweet ass time," Tory said.

Hawk stared at Achara. "You invited him?"

Achara shrugged. "Actually, Tory did. Why?"

"You got a problem with that?" Tory asked.

Hawk rolled his eyes and took a swig of the can of beer he was holding. Kyler handed one to Achara, but she shook her head, refusing. Kyler handed it to Robby instead.

Robby shook his head. "No, I'm good."

"What, you can't handle a sip of beer?" Hawk asked him, causing the others to laugh.

Achara looked down at her shoes. She knew that Robby didn't like to drink because of his father, but she didn't say that. She didn't think it was her business to just air out in the open.

"Nah, I just don't need to drink to pretend to be cool," Robby responded.

Kyler started choking next to Achara. She turned to him, giving him a disgusted look.

"Yeah, that's funny," Hawk replied, stepping closer to him.

Achara pushed Hawk back. "Don't."

Tory tapped Hawk's arm. "Let's get going."

Tory lifted the broken section of the gate, allowing for Hawk, Kyler, and the others to crouch down and climb through. Achara turned her head towards Robby, noticing the apprehensive expression on his face.

Tory noticed too. She let go of the gate. "Don't worry. It's not gonna violate your probation. You got outta juvie, not Sing Sing."

"You resorting to peer pressure?" Robby asked.

Tory shrugged. "Yeah, it's kinda my thing."

She turned around and entered through the gate. Robby glanced over at Achara.

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