32 ― rivalry, wherefore art thou?

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Yasmine stood on the opposite side of Demetri's locker at her own, putting her notebooks away. Decha was trying not to pay too much attention to her. Even though she was somewhat nice to him and Demetri now, she still annoyed him.

"Come on, why won't you let me sign your cast?" Decha asked Demetri.

"I asked you to and you wanted to write something stupid," Demetri resounded.

"Writing 'Decha likes Demetri' is stupid?" Decha asked.

Demetri nodded. "You really want to advertise that?"

Decha looked at him, confused. "Why wouldn't I? I'll scream it right now and let everyone know if that's what you'd prefer."

Decha opened his hands over his mouth to shout it out in the middle of the hallway, but Demetri quickly covered his mouth with hand.

"If I remove my hand, you have to promise that you won't scream that you like me," Demetri told him. "Deal?"

Decha nodded. Demetri slowed moved his hand away so that if he needed to, his could quickly place his hand over Decha's mouth again. Decha just smiled at him as Demetri shut his locker. As they were about to walk to class, Miguel came walking down the hallway.

"Hey, the Comeback Kid!" Demetri greeted him. "Welcome back."

Decha shook his hand and pulled each other into a chest bump. "It's good to have you back and nice to see you walking again."

"I hope to make a similar triumphant return to the land of the mobile appendage masses," Demetri said, holding up his arm with a cast on it.

"What's up with the cast?" Miguel asked.

"Proximal radius fracture," Demetri responded.

Yasmine walked up, standing next to Decha. "It smells."

Decha nodded in agreement. "Oh, most definitely."

Demetri turned to them. "I put a lemon rind down there to mitigate that."

Decha chuckled, looking down at the ground as he shook his head.

Demetri pulled a marker out of his shirt pocket and held it out in front of Yasmine. "The invitation for you to sign it still stands."

"You'd let her sign it, but not me?" Decha asked, sticking out his bottom lip to pout.

Yasmine pushed the marker way. "Hard pass. At least when you used to be a thorn in my tits you were getting me an A in science. Now you can't even do that because you're defective. And why don't you let your boyfriend sign it?"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Demetri shouted as Yasmine walked off, causing a few people to turn to look at him.

Demetri turned to Decha, rolling his eyes when he saw the smirk on his face.

"So, uh...how'd you break your arm?" Miguel asked.

Demetri sighed. "We've got a lot to catch up on."

A confused expression appeared on Miguel's face. Decha folded his arms across his chest as he saw Demetri's face sink.

"I'll save you from the long winded conversation full of big words only Demetri knows the meaning of," Decha said to Miguel. "It was Hawk."


Decha walked into the cafeteria doors, about to stand in line and get his food when he saw Kyler tossing Demetri's tray into the trash can. Decha clenched his jaw and marched over to him. When he stood in front of Kyler, he was writing on Demetri's cast. Decha snatched the marker out of his hand.

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now