SIX: Thank You Zane

Start from the beginning

"They never mentioned it, but you know how Garroth and Laurance are" She laughed and nodded her head, she didn't seem to notice I wasn't speaking in third person.

I don't know why but I haven't been speaking in third person around Zane but it could me because he imidates me slightly despite the fact he has been kind to me.

"Well, let's get started then shall we?" I nodded my head at the same time Zane did, I glanced over at him as Talulla laced her arm with mine and smiled at me.

I smiled back at her as Zane walked on the other side of her and we begun walking around Phoenix Drop togehter, which caught everything's attention.

"Kawaii-Chan I have a question for you" Talulla said, I smiled wider and nodded my head.

"Yes Talulla?" We stopped near the reception and she pointed to the flower bushes and smiled as she stepped away from me and looked around at the bushes as she ran her fingers over the flowers.

"How did you do this? I mean they weren't here beforehand" She said, I went to tell her but stopped when I remembered Garroth coming to talk to me yesterday morning before Zane's arrival.

"Garroth-Kun, what are you doing here?" I asked as I smiled at him.

"I just needed to talk to you about something, can I come in?" He asked, I nodded my head quickly and stepped to the side, he walked into my house and I shut the door behind him and turned to face him.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, he nodded his head and looked over at us, clearing his throat.

"I mean no disrespect by this but when the High Priest is here, can you please refrain from telling or letting him see your powers?" I blinked a few times in surprise, last time I was asked that it was my father demanding it.

"May I ask why?" He nodded his head quickly.

"Of course. I don't want Zane to try and get close to you and use your powers for something bad. You obviously are extremely powerful with them but you are so sweet and I don't want Zane to do that to you. Would you please just not let him see or hear about them?" He asked, I nodded my head and he thanked me.

"I had them brought here and Brendan was kind enough to plant them" I lied, Talulla smiled at me and nodded her head as she walked into the reception area.

The arch was covered still so she was unable to see it which is relief but I know it's been bugging her that she doens't know what the arch looks like right now.

"High Priest, my mother would like to know if you would be saying a prayer at the altar. Will you?" I followed as she looked throughout the reception area with a smile on her face.

Zane walked near me and I kept a bit of a distance still nervous being around him, my nervousness was something completely different and I couldn't figure out what it was about.

"I can if your mother wishes for it to be apart of it" Zane spoke in a calm and professional tone, Talulla turned to look at him with a nervous smile on her face.

"My mother would love that but I truly do not wish for that to be in my wedding" Talulla admitted with a nervous tone, I titled my head slightly and she smiled at me as I stopped watching her walk up onto the stage, Zane stopped next to me.

"Are you asking me to not do it but take the brunt of your mother's anger, Lady Talulla?" Zane asked, Talulla stared at him for a moment blinking in surprise.

Laurance was right......he can figure out people by just listening and watching them as they talk to him....that's terrifying to know.

"I am. Apologies High Priest but it would be greatly appreciated if you could. I understand if you are not comfortable with that" I know why Talulla wants him to take the brunt of her mother's anger.

No one will dare speak against him and I know her mother is in Phoenix Drop now, and she is a very blunt woman but when it comes to Zane she is silent and respectful.

"Of course Lady Talulla. I will be sure to keep the prayer out of it and if your mother wishes to do a prayer than she can do it before the ceremony begins" Talulla smiled.

"Thank you High Priest" He nodded his head and I looked back at Talulla noticing her inching towards the curtain.

"Talulla, I will ban you from the reception area until tomorrow afternoon if you so much as touch that curtain" I said, she frowned but stepped away from it.

"Fine. I've seen you take on Garroth and Laurance, I'm not interested in seeing what you could possibly do to me" I laughed and shook my head feeling Zane's eyes on me.

"I'd simply just drag you out. Now what else do you need to speak about?" I asked, she seemed to rememebr that and nodded her head quickly as she skipped towards me.

"Right, do you think that you can get some last minute lights for the market. It's going to be dark by the time the party ends and I'd like to not worry about lights" I nodded my head.

"Of course I can. What colour?" I asked, she smiled and interlaced my arm with hers again as the 3 of us begun walking out of the area catching people's attention once again.

"Light pink, green, blue, and purple please" I nodded my head. 

Zane⁓Chan: The High Priest's Love: REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now