Lisa looked at her helplessly, torn. "I just don't want to ... "

"What?" she whispered against her lips.

Lisa swallowed thickly. "Hurt you," she admitted.

"Lisa, you could never hurt me," Jennie told her honestly.

She shook her head, looking at her. "You don't know, Jen," she said. "You didn't have to watch you lay in that hospital bed all full of tubes and wires. I thought I was going to lose you."

She placed her hands on her cheeks, holding her face. "I'm right here, Lisa," she told her.

"I can't lose you," Lisa whispered desolately.

She kissed her, gently at first, but the ever-present passion quickly flared between them. She raked her nails across her wifebeater, smiling wickedly at her. "I've missed these," she said deviously.

She couldn't help it. As much as she wanted to protect her from everything, including herself, she was too weak. she grinned back. "Oh really?"

Jennie yelped and then giggled as Lisa stood up, holding her in her arms. She carried her into the living room, carefully depositing her on the couch. She kissed her deeply and then pulled away. "Just a sec," she said, and then took off running.

Seconds later, she was back holding the still sleeping Samantha in her seat. Frantically she searched for a safe place to put her. she finally settled for putting the seat on the floor, turned conspicuously away from the couch. Jennie bit down on her lip trying to keep from laughing out loud at her actions. "Lisa, at this age, their eyes can't focus that far," Jennie told her. "She couldn't see us anyway."

Lisa merely frowned at her, giving her an 'as if' look. Satisfied that Samantha was sleeping comfortably and that if she woke, she wouldn't get a look at her parents doing something unspeakable, she returned to the couch with Jennie.

All of her earlier hesitance was gone, and Lisa stripped both of their cloth in record time. Jennie hissed, arching against her as their nude bodies finally twined together. She forgot how much she loved the sensation of her bare skin against her own.

Lisa settled herself against Jennie, careful to keep most of her weight off of her body and kissed her for a long time. She groaned against her lips when Jennie wrapped her legs around her waist, pulling her down, arching for more. her breath went from ragged to non-existent when her hand wrapped around her cock. She stroked her gently, her thumb playing over the head, before guiding her into her hot, wet entrance. she shuddered as she buried himself to the root inside her, pressing her face into her neck, panting for control.

"I love you, Lisa," Jennie whispered. she kissed her deeply as she began to move inside her, carefully, slowly with mind dazzling tenderness. her whole body trembled as she made love to her, and it took several moments before she realized there were tears coursing down her cheeks. "Lisa?" she questioned, cupping her face with both hands.

"I wouldn't have made it without you," she said honestly, her voice thick with emotion. "I would have broken like my father. I would have been worthless to Sammy."

"You're stronger than that, Lisa," Jennie said, kissing her tears from her cheeks even though her own welled in her eyes.

"No," Lisa said, shaking her head bitterly. "I'm weak. That's all I've ever been. I'm nothing without you."

"You're everything," she whispered, pulling her more tightly in her arms. "You're everything, Lisa."

She groaned, arching against her, her legs tightening around her waist. Lisa wanted to prolong it, to make their reunion last forever but between the fact that they hadn't made love in months and the fact that their infant daughter was sleeping only feet away, it wasn't in the cards. she stroked into her more firmly and her fingernails bit into her back. Her lips claimed her in a sensual assault and her sheath began to flutter around her.

"Jennie," she hissed, her hips meeting hers more frantically.

Jennie cried out, biting down on her shoulder as she climaxed, losing herself in bliss. It was more than Lisa could take and she let himself go, spilling inside her.

Lisa couldn't feel her hands or her feet or her arms or her legs or her head for that matter. All she could feel was a foggy, blissful haze enveloping her. she was boneless and limp, lost in the scent and taste of Jennie. she nuzzled against her and she nearly purred, snuggling closer.

They had approximately ninety-seven seconds of bliss before a high-pitched wail split the air. Lisa stood, slipped on her boxers and scooped her up. Jennie pulled on her clothes and watched Lisa with Samantha. She kissed her daughter's forehead, before plopping down on the couch and handing her off to her mother. Surprised, she looked over at her questioningly.

"You were all jealous when I was playing mom," Lisa said, grinning knowingly, "So I'll be playing the deadbeat daddy and pass her off for today."

"I was not jealous," Jennie huffed, carrying her daughter to the kitchen to make a bottle. 

Lisa followed and caught her around the waist, kissing her neck. "You were jealous," she growled.

"Well, you were monopolizing," she said petulantly, gathering the bottle and heading upstairs to the bedroom. She propped up on the bed and fed her daughter, looking down at her anxious suckling.

Lisa followed her upstairs and laid on the bed, propping herself on her elbow next to her wife and daughter. She caressed Samantha's cheek with the back of her finger and grinned at both of them. Jennie snuggled up against her chest and practically glowed with happiness.

"You know, you're awfully attentive for a dead-beat Daddy," Jennie said with a gummy smile. Lisa kissed her shoulder and wrapped her arms around them.

"Well, I'm new at it," Lisa whispered, moving her lips from her shoulder to the side of her throat.

The End 

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