It was a small building.

"Why do you live here? There are much better place in the city." I asked her.

"It's affordable." She replied and opened the car's door.

I came out of the car.

"Thank you sir." She said.

"Ms.Sharma actually I have some work from you." I said.

"Ji?" She said.

"Tell me some best place for Date." I said.

"Ughh... Sir I don't know about this topic but my neighbor know. She can help you sir." She said.

"Then let's go. Call her in your house and we will discuss." I said.

"But sir. " She was saying but i cut her off.

"Ms.Sharma follow me." I said.

"Sir but you don't know my room no." She said.

"Oh yeah I don't know that." I said.

"Let's go." She said.

Surbhi POV

Why he suddenly want to come here!! He could have talk to her on the phone.

Now currently he is roaming around my small home. Must be thinking why the heck there are so much posters!

"Ms.Sharma who are these people?" He asked. See I told ya already.

"Sir they are artists." I replied.

"So you like Chinese artists." He said.

Not this shit again.

"KOREAN." I said in a loud voice.

"What?" He said and started coming near me.

Bhagwan!! What I have done!!

I started moving back until my back hits the wall. There he was towering over me.

"Why you shouted Ms.Sharma?" He said.

"S-ir I w-as say-ing tha-t." My words are betraying me once again.

"You were saying what?" He asked again.

Suddenly door bell rang.

Huff!!! Bach gyi!!
(I'm saved I think)

"I think my friend came." I said and he back off.

I opened the door.

"Hey Surbhi." Sanaya my neighbor said.

"Hey Sanaya please come." I said.

We went inside.

"Who is he?"

"Let me guess you called me to inform that you have a boyfriend now. That's great." She was saying non stop after seeing Ekansh sir.

"No no you are misunderstand." I said.

"He is handsome though." She said again.

"Yeah miss I am! And if you are done let's talk about work." He said in his cold tone.

"Sanaya He's my boss Mr.Ekansh Raghuvanshi." I said with a nervous smile.

"Ohh" That's all she said.

"You both talk I have some other work." I said.

"Ms.Sharma stand there till I am talking." He said.

"But why sir?" I asked him.

Now what work he have now!

"Do what I say." He said in his cold voice.

"So miss let's get straight to the point. Tell me some best places for dates." He said to Sanaya.

"Mr.Raghuvanshi there are many places which are really nice for dates. You tell me your theme I will recommend you some places then." She said.

"Ms.Sharma which theme do you like?" He asked.

Why the hell he is asking me??

"But why sir?" I said.

"Just answer." He said looking at me.

"But I don't know about any theme." I said.

"Then She will show you all the themes and places pick any one you like." He said.

Doesn't he came here to discuss that himself. This man is really impossible.

"But sir you told that you will chose place by yourself." I said.

"But now I telling you to choose. Is there any problem with it?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

If I say no then.. No no I won't do that... I know the consequences already so it's better to say yes.

"Okh sir." I said unwillingly.

"Good then. Now I am leaving." He said and left.

"Wait what just happened!" Sanaya said.

"Nothing regular." I said.

"Leave him. Please show me places then I will decide any so I can watch my dramas peacefully." I said.

"Yeah sure." She replied then showed me places. They all were pretty. But I selected a restaurant and book at table there.

Finally I got peace.

So how's the chapter!!???

I am writing these on my gap days!! So don't think I am not studying.💀

Anyways don't forget to vote and comment too!!!

See ya soon🤧💕!!!

See ya soon🤧💕!!!

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