Bread When It's Not Cooked

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James said, "Nope. I'm not a dog, though, so..." he shrugged.

"What about you, Peter?"

Peter shook his head.

Remus said, "I know my nose is always more sensitive near to the moon. That's why the lads can't wear colorgne."

"Passes right out over some scents," nodded James.

"I wouldn't say you need to change the shampoo, though, if you like how it works," Remus shrugged. "Would you, Sirius?"

"No, it's just doesn't smell like you," he answered, putting his sunglasses back on. With a flick of his wrist, he'd made a coconut drink appear in his hand.

"How the hell did you do that?" James asked, seeing the drink.

Sirius lowered his glasses and grinned at James. "Don't you wish you knew, Potter?"

Lily still looked concerned about the shampoo and was sniffing her own lock of hair, leaning back against James, who tucked his arm 'round her shoulders, pulled her into him, and pressed his nose into her hair, taking a deep breath. "Still smells beautiful to me, Evans," he said, and he kissed the top of her head.

Sirius sipped from the ridiculously long straw he'd magicked into his drink.

Remus snugged deeper into the blankets, closing his eyes contentedly.

"When's Mum coming back from Minnie's?" Sirius asked.

"In time for dinner," James replied. "They're all coming."

"Brilliant!" Sirius said excitedly.

"Do we need anything? I can run to the market for you!" Peter offered.

"I made the rest of the roast into a stew last night and I've got bread in the oven," Lily said, shaking her head, "But thanks, Peter."

"Bread. That's what the smell is like. Bread when it's not cooked," Sirius announced. "But... sweeter."

"Dough?" Lily's brow came together with concern.

James raised an eyebrow. "You go about sniffing much uncooked bread, Padfoot?"

Sirius shrugged. He laid his head back down on the inflatable unicorn, blowing more bubbles out of his snorkel.

Later on, Peter, SIrius, and James went out back to throw a quaffle around and Remus stayed inside, comfortable as he was by the Potter's fireplace. Lily had gone to take the bread out of the oven and she came back to find Remus had put down the book he'd been reading on his lap and was staring into the fireplace with a far-off look on his face. She sat down on the couch at the end nearest to him and leaned forward against her knees. He didn't seem to notice she was there at first and after giving him a few minutes, she finally cleared her throat and he looked up, shaking himself out of whatever thoughts he'd been deep in.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" Lily asked, reaching over and touching his arm.

"I can't stop thinking about the werewolves."

Lily frowned. "You don't have to do it, Rey. I know Dumbledore means a great deal to you and he's done such a lot for you, but he's asking something very extreme from you and it's not --"

"No, it's not that, Lily, I mean..." Remus paused. He bit his lower lip and she could see in his eyes he was thinking very, very hard about how to word what might come next. "Last night meant so much to me," he said finally.

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