Chapter 4 - New Rules

Start from the beginning

Then, she takes one step backward into the line once again and the guards continues.

"Bella Trask."

The girls with many piercings steps forward and she is patted down. The guards move once again and my name is called. I step forward, eyeing the guard in front of me.

A guard moves behind me and checks my feet, then moves up toward my calves and thighs. Then he checks my one back pocket. While he does this, I remove his hand and twist his arm, quickly and somewhat gracefully.

This happens on reflex, something my brother taught me, and I quickly release his arm. As the realization of what I have done comes into play I back off and try to explain, "Sorry, it happens on reflex when people do that."

The guard that is in front of me grabs my wrists in one hand with a grunt, while the other finishes patting me down. The guard in front releases my wrists once they are done and I take a step back. The gorilla's rage calms as he mutely laughs at me. He deserves to be kicked in the shins.

Messy is called next and he steps forward. The guard moves behind him and starts patting him down, but Messy catches the man's hands to stop him.

"I don't care to be touched, especially by a man." He pauses for effect. "A woman on the other hand is a different story." Messy continues as he eyes the woman guard who hasn't moved and is still like stone.

The guard takes hold of Messy's wrist, just like he did to me to let the other guard pat him down. After Messy they continue down the line, Mik, Daniel, and Colby are all called. Colby is the guy who sat at the back of the bus with his cold eyes.

With that done, the guard with the clipboard speaks up once again. "Now, stay in line. We will walk you into the building, it's time for you to learn the new rules of the Pit."

The stone lady moves finally to open the door to the building while another guard leads us inside. We march through a plain hallway that is only lined with gray doors and nothing else. We pass countless doors until we finally reach one that looks all the rest and a guard opens it swiftly.

The woman guard steps into the room and as we follow her, she takes off each of our handcuffs. We enter the room, a basic classroom. Inside are five rows of desks, all facing a green chalkboard with no chalk marks.

"Take a seat." A guard commands.

All of us walk into the room and take different seats. Everyone sits in a cluster in the middle of the room, none of us sit in the front row or the back row.

Once we are seated the classroom door is slammed shut, leaving us in the room. There is a moment of silence, all of us looking toward the door waiting. When Messy looks at me and says, "Reflexes, huh?"

He is sitting right next to me and Mik is sitting in front of me. She looks toward Messy and I when Messy opened his big mouth. Becky and Colby are on opposite sides of the room, both on the far ends. Bella is sits in front of Colby and Daniel is sitting between Bella and me.

"Yes." I reply, annoyed that he even brought it up.

"New rules?" Mik asks changing the subject. "What do you think that means?"

Messy answers her, "Either someone did something that made the security look like idiots and the rules have become stricter or this place is doing oh so freaking well that they are adding something to the Pit."

"I hope is the latter, I don't want to be here if the rules become even stricter. We will lose all freedom if that happens."

"Same, adding something will be more exciting."

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