『An annoying arrival』

Start from the beginning

I sat up and Kazuha was already falling midair.

He fell still unconscious onto me and we stayed flat on the floor with him on my chest still sleeping peacefully.

..he's a rather deep sleeper..

I sat up and looked around.

"We're here at least.."
Venti said.

Indeed we were.

A loud crash could be heard from a room near us before Heizou came out rushing towards us.

"Is he okay!?"

He went straight towards me and to Kazuha.

"He passed out but I think he feels better.."

I heard him mutter something under his breath.

"Childe that son of a bitch.."

I decided to say nothing of it but Childe was still a close friend of mine so I did not agree with him although what he did do was unbelievably way too far..

He's a brainless idiot after all..

Heizou reached out his hand but I took a step back.


All the members looked at me.

"I'll treat his wounds don't worry.."

"You sure..?"
Aether said.

"Quite sure"
I nodded.

Heizou looked at me but said nothing more.

With the rest of my strength, I picked up Kazuha from his legs until he was resting in my arms with his head in my shoulder.

I turned away from them and went to my room.

I closed the door and paused for a moment.

Now that I think about it..I sound rather blunt after the fight..

I looked down at Kazuha and rested him on the blankets.

I put my hand on his forehead to see if he was okay.

He was perfectly fine.


I jolted so fast and looked down.


He slowly opened his eyes.

He rubbed his forehead before sitting up.


I nodded.


He covered his mouth before looking at me again.

"How long?"


"Did I pass out!? For how long?"

"Not that long.."

He leaned over to get up but his hand flew to his arm instead.


He winced in pain.

"Kazuha..you're no in good shape okay? I'll come back in a second, I need to get things for y-"

"Wait! No uh.."

"What is it..?"

He hesitated and looked down.


"N-nothing it's fine.."

"You sure..?"

He nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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