Chapter 1

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Sam, Jared and I are taking a break from patrol and decided to head to the beach. Emily packed some sandwiches for us to snack on because we plan on being there for awhile.

We were playing soccer until Jared decided to kick it too hard and it went flying past me. I just gave him a glare and he gave me a sheepish look before I went to go chase after it. I go to pick up the ball and something white catches my eye. I go closer to get a better look and it's a girl....... WITH WINGS! She also is wearing all this armor like she's been in battle or something and has a sword hanging from her side. What the hell? I hear Jared yelling for me.

"Paul! What's taking so long?"

"Get Sam and come here quick!" Within a few minutes, both of the guys are by my side and we are staring at the passed out girl.

"What do we do with her?" Jared asks. "Are those wings real?"

"Let's take her back to the house until she wakes up," Sam says. As soon as he picks her up, the wings do a quick flap and suddenly they are gone along with her sword. We explain to Emily what is going on and we head back to the house. Sam lays her on the couch and Emily does her best to dry her off. Now, all we got to do is wait.

As we are waiting for her to wake up, we discuss everything.

"Do you think she is some kind of angel or something?" Jared asks.

"No, Jared she's a cyclopes," I say sarcastically and then roll my eyes. "She obviously is because there is no other explanation."

"You didn't have to be sarcastic. I was just asking a question you jackass. We know vampires exist, but....... angels? That's kind of hard to believe."

"That makes you wonder what else is out there," Sam says and I agree.

"Do you think she could be dangerous? I mean she is wearing a battle suit like she was in some sort of fight and did have a sword at her side until it disappeared." I said.

"Surely she's fine. We'll just have to wait until she wakes up to ask questions," Sam says.

"I don't think she is. I didn't get that kind of vibe from her," Jared says. Sense when in the hell does he......? Nevermind.

"Since when can you sense vibes?" Sam asks. Jared just gives him a funny look. That's when I decided to pipe up.

"You're a wolf, not a vampire with a gift. Besides, if you can sense vibes, you would be able to tell that Kim in your class likes you and you would stop avoiding eye contact with her." Jared looked at me for a minute before we started bickering at each other. Sam just shakes his head. He's already had enough of our shit to last a life time. We continued bickering until we heard a huge intake of breath. That caused us to go quiet and look over to where the unknown girl was laying.

"Where am I?" She asks.


Sorry that this chapter was short, but I've been busy and been trying really hard to avoid writer's block.

I'm still trying to determine who I want to be as the imprint.

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