
I listened.

I watched her carefully as she spoke about her childhood. Something in me never thought she was treated this way, but somehow now, it made more sense.

Her calmness, her kindness, her quietness and trust on people are rare. There, hiding, but it exists somewhere.

She talks about pain like it's all alright.

It ached my heart to know how she had me, and I've acted cold towards her. Something in me wished I have never left her alone to sleep in bed. She kept talking, getting more emotional and passionate about her childhood that she's recalling. I know that some piece of her feels dead inside.

I was falling madly more in love.

"Every morning, I would wake up before my grandma. Just in time to make tea and toast without hearing any criticism from her," She cackles quietly, bringing her knees closer to her chest, hugging her legs. "If you come to America, and to our old house. You would see posters and dyed clothes around my room. That used to be my hobby other than making songs, or simply writing..."

"I guess I started to live when you came into my life, Harry." She meets my eyes again, something in those stare alive but barely holding on.

I lipped a smile, trying to ignore my beating heart that's slowly breaking to bits from her story. I reached out, placing my hand on top of hers, hesitantly lacing our fingers. To my relief, she laced her fingers back, softly squeezing my palm.

"You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up, Louisa." I muttered, bringing our hands up, kissing the back of her hand.

"Thank you, Harry..."

"You can let it go now. Sooner or later, even tomorrow, you can throw a party full of everyone you know, instead of strangers. You have a family who will always show you love, that's us. One day, you don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own." I reassured her, dancing my thumb over her hand.

She lips a smile, laughing, a tear sliding away and hitting her cheek. I laughed as well softly, reaching out with my free hand, wiping her tear.

"We're going home, where you truly belong, Matilda." I tell her.

London ; Louisa

"Harry!" Voices calls out, flashes going off like lightening. Harry grips my hand, guiding me through the mob of fans and paparazzi, something I haven't gotten used to yet. "Are you two dating? Are you dating your pianist?!"

I squinted, trying to adjust my sight through the flashes and people. My free hand reaches out for Harry's arm, worriedly following him with the guards. Harry pulls me, putting me in front of him as he holds my hip, guiding me to the van.

"Are you two dating?" They ask again. The guard opens the van door for us. Harry does his best to ignore them, following me inside after. I let out the breath I was holding as we finally drove away from the airport. Back in London, where our love was born. "Please take us to a hotel, Jimmy. I don't want to go back to our house for now, it's gonna be too crowded." Harry requests to Jimmy, his personal driver.

"Sure thing, Harry."

I glance at him, his brows furrowed in frustration as he pushes his hair back with his ringed fingers. "I am sorry about all that..." He murmurs, lips pursed after, trying to hide his frustration. I just nodded, not sure what to respond. His anger filled the small vehicle.

I gave him time to calm down, not wanting to trigger him further. I watch him dial his phone, calling somebody.

"Why the fuck does the publicly know I am in London?" He snapped at his personal agent, I am assuming. My eyes widen, never hearing Harry speak this way to anyone, especially his crew.

"No, someone ratted me the fuck out-" He stops talking, nose flaring as he listens to the other end of the line.

"I don't give a fuck, Louisa was with me, she could've been hurt!" He raise his voice. I pressed my lips together, looking out the window, trying to fight the uncomfortable feeling in my chest. I understand he was worried, I just wasn't sure how to comfort Harry this way.

"I don't need people minding what fucking business I have with Louisa, it's not your business either. Don't suggest me what to do when it comes to her, do you understand? Now we can't go home to our house because I know for a fact it's mobbed." He speaks, scoffing.

"I came from tour, I had a long flight. I want my girl to sleep well, and now I can't go home to have that. For fucks sake, one simple thing I have asked is to keep my privacy safe! Do you understand how disappointed I am in you?"

My girl?

"Harry," I finally reach out, placing my hand on his knee reassuringly. I couldn't stop him nor tell him what to do, but the least I could do is assure him to calm his heated head.

"Please, calm down." I smiled softly, dancing my thumb on his knee the way he does his thumb on my hand. He simply hangs up his phone, not bidding a farewell to the person on the other line.

"I apologise," He sighs, tossing his phone in his bag. "I just don't want you in those situations..." He shakes his head.

"I am okay, Harry. We can't help it, nor can they. People are just doing their jobs as well." I shrugged, tapping his hand, pulling away from him. "Right," He mumbles. He grabs his phone again, then handing it to me.

"May you please call the hotel, book for one night." He speaks softly, as I grab his phone.

"Sure," I nodded.

"Under the name of who?" I glance at him.

"Use someone else's name, I don't want people to know where we are."

Author's Note :

Hello, everyone! I am super excited for these upcoming chapters, I can assure you it's gonna be sweet, and having you on your toes! Harry finally listened to his heart, and he's IN LOVE WITH LOUISA?! Crazy. Super excited for the Harry's House album as well.

Any suspicion how this is gonna go or end? oops.

Let me know your thoughts, I love receiving your comments and thoughts - as it brings me more confidence to write!

Much love. :)

PS : A lot of foreshadowing from HH album songs.

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