Chapter 3

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I stared intently into my baby's eyes. I couldn't help but imagine all she was probably thinking about because she appeared to be lost in her own thoughts. Was it that I wanted so many children for us to have? Was it her sister, who was long lost? Was it? Or was it because of all the promises I'd given her over and over?

I took hold of her hand and gave her a kiss to bring her back to the present. It was as though she went absent entirely.
"What were you thinking about?" I inquired, putting my index finger to her left cheek.
She stumbled, "I was thinking about, well, I was thinking-."
"I had the house on my mind. It seems large and lonely to me."

I instantly noticed her concerns and started mentally preparing plans. To maintain my wife's nails and body in shape, I had to hire domestic help. She was nothing less than a queen.
"I'm going to hand it over to my brother. He'll talk to the agency and arrange for some domestic help for us.
She shook her head, perhaps in shock or dismay.
I questioned, "Why, what's wrong?
"I'm going to be alone here. I need to keep myself occupied with something, and you won't be home very often", she bemoaned.
"Maybe you could drop by the office whenever you're idle? For now, though, just go shopping and throw a party with your buddies," I said.

She gave me a disapproving, unconvincing look, but the fact remained that I didn't want my wife to work. I wanted her to know that I could take care of her and always would.
"I won't dispute with you. You seem to have made up your mind already," she remarked.
I then invited her to join me in the shower.

"You married in a secret ceremony without your closest friend, and you consider that standard?" she gripped the glass of juice I offered her.
"Well, I apologise. It was just a few people we invited ,I said, ...I wasn't sure you would be thrilled to see me kiss him in front of you."

Alicia has been in love with my husband since we were teenagers, and I just can't help but maintain her as a friend even if I shouldn't.
Since our time in college, she has consistently had my back. She introduced me to my spouse, and I referred to her as my personal ATM.

"You've messed up big time girl. I believed we had an agreement not to discuss Daniel during our talks.", she said .

I said, "I haven't even called out his name yet." I asked her smiling, "And you still love him, don't you?"

"Does it matter, though? She teasingly responded, "I can't have him, but you have him and don't want him."

I was not surprised by her statement because she knew I was having an affair with Noel.She has always detested our relationship and spent her time berating us whenever she gets the chance.

"I apologised, okay? I reached for an embrace." Alicia could not continue to be angry with me.
"It's fine girl, as long as you're going to heavily compensate me", she said.
I exclaimed , "Let's go shopping!"

Alicia's POV
We took to our heels and descended the staircase eager to take Aurora's new car for a ride.
"Hello ladies", greeted Daniel, the love of my life. My heart fell deeply , my mind started racing, and I was at a loss for what to do after I heard his voice.
He said, "Hello Alicia!" and planted a peck on my cheek. "I haven't seen you in a while. I was expecting you at our wedding but you didn't show up", he added.
I noticed how uneasy my companion was feeling after his last remark when I looked at her.
She gripped her car key tightly and exclaimed, "Let's go!"

We went to pricey, well-known stores and shopped extravagantly for hours. Aurora kept buying a lot of items, the majority of which she didn't really need but who was I to criticise her when she'd landed herself a wealthy and generous man?

"Aren't you thinking it's about time you went home?" I questioned her.
Although I wasn't sure if she had remembered the reservation Daniel had made for her, I hadn't forgotten about it.
Her phone  rang, cutting short our conversation.

Aurora's POV
I heard the caller on the other end when I picked up my phone. It was my own Noel.
"How are you doing, baby?"
It felt strange to be hearing from him at this time of day, so I said, "I'm fine, darling, what's up?"
"Well, I was thinking we should hang out this evening," he said, causing me to pull away from Alicia so she wouldn't overhear me talking to Noel.
"I can't Noel.I'm going out with your brother tonight" , I explained
"I also won't accept no as an answer." He hung up on me, saying angrily after adding"...You'll have to see me today or else, kiss our relationship goodbye."
I now had to decide between the man I married and the man I loved, which was an uphill struggle.  I told Alicia we had to go home as I walked back to her.

Alicia's POV
I could see she was worried, even though I was the one transporting us back. She appeared to be thinking about a lot of things.

"It's Noel, right?" I inquired. He was the only one who had the power to silence Aurora and to make her feel down and miserable.

"He's hoping we get together tonight." She cried out adding, "....I told him about his brother's plans, but it seems he's not buying it."

"You'll fight with me when I tell you that Daniel is the man for you. Noel has been sent from hell to drain your feminine energy. I hope you realize that before it's too late", I advised her.

If only she knew how much I wanted to be in her position, but she was determined to reject the truth at any costs.
"I need to visit Noel right now. I cannot abandon him.
"Bad decisions number 101. When will you ever heed my counsel, sis?"
"At the appropriate moment," she answered, taking out a cigar and lighting it inside the vehicle.
"This, for crying out loud, is a new car."
"So?" she asked in a bizarre tone.
Even though she was now married to the guy that every girl dreams of, she wasn't going to give up on any of her bad habits.
"You'll accompany my husband, Alicia, on that date."

"What?" I said, losing my temper so much that I pulled the car over to the side of the road.
She went on, "I know you've been dreaming of having him all to yourself, so don't say no."

I was astounded and appalled all at once when I glanced at my friend.
"I'm giving you this one-time chance to be with him, so don't overthink it. Please  do whatever you want to do with him."

As I listened to her, I froze. I was preoccupied with helping her maintain her home but How could I provide help to someone who initially declined it?

I said, "And what are you going to tell him?"

"That he should take advantage of this opportunity for you two to catch up on the good old days and that I had to see my grandparents immediately."
"It appears that you have fixed everything," I responded, striking her in the forearm.

By now, my inner voice was screaming.  I started to picture how awkward it would be for me to meet his gaze, how I would blush at any of his comments, and what would happen if he kissed me? Would I tremble at his touch, or would I melt into his skin like butter?

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