Electric Spark⚡️

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Ruin was stationed in front of a fazcade arcade machine, one with a fading label reading 'Chica's Rocket Adventure'. They had made it their goal to repair at least one of the glitching cabinets within the fazcade they called home- after all, it was the one thing they could to be useful. Moon didn't like them very much, neither did Sun. Lunar avoided them when he could for reasons Ruin was still trying to figure out whilst Earth struck up coversarions with them, only to be dragged away either by Moon, Sun or Lunar...The only one making an actual effort to befriend him was Solar, someone Moon wouldn't stop when he spotted chatting with the 'outsider' of the family.

"Alright...hopefully, that should work" They cheerfully prayed, switching the machine on. The screen fizzed to life, displaying a home screen for the game- success! As Ruin bathed in their irrelavant achievment, a certain robot was making his rounds around the plex.

"Oh, hey Ruin" the familiar dullness of Solar disrupted Ruin from their focus on the newly repaired arcade game. They turned around and gave the friendlest smile they could conjure- it may of been a little over the top but Solar appreciated the effort put into it.

"Hello Solar, how are you this fine day?" They asked with a tilt of their head. Solar sat down in front of them, adjusting their goggles to prevent them from slipping. "I'm doing alright i guess..stressed about finding Eclipse but otherwise just fine" He sighed as he tugged at one of his worn-out gloves. Ruin nodded, oblivious to what Solar had to do daily but tried their best to sympathize. "Well, i'm glad to hear that you're fine. And i hope that you find this 'Eclipse' bloke soon."

Solar gave a gentle smile, apprechating Ruin's efforts of comforting him in these stressing times. Ruin tilted their head, unfortunatly resulting in their hat rubbing against one of the exposed wires. Sparks formed and in a matter of seconds, Ruin's hat is lit alight and they are electricuted in the back of the head. They slumped forward and Solar, in a hast, caught them. "Ruin? Ruuuuin?" He asked, shaking them...no response.

~~A few hours later~~


"So, you're saying Ruin just...powered off?" Moon questioned, raising one of Ruin's arms and watching as it smacked down onto the metal table, he and Solar had sat the unconscious bot onto. Solar gave a small nod, observing the back wiring of Ruin. "They just jumped a little and fell forward- I don't know what could have happened..." He lifted up their slightly charred hat before coughing as slight smoke rushed into his face sensers. "Never m-mind..found the cause."

Moon swiveled around to see what Solar was talking about and sucked through his teeth. "Yeesh... looks like his wires have been fried" Moon hissed, leaning in for a closer inspection. Solar sighed softly; he was just hoping Ruin wasn't too badly impacted by the shock. "Yelp, they're your issue dude... I have better things to do then re-code them..." Moon shrugged then chuckled as he leaves. Solar expected that, Moon didn't really like Ruin as much as Solar did and wouldn't waste as much as another second on 'a thing as them'. He sighed before plugging Ruin into the system and beginning his check...

"Well shit..." Solar spat under his breath; Ruin's systems were fully fried, every strip of code jumbled or missing parts of it. Now what was he going to do?.. Maybe he could re-program their memories?- of course, he'd take some things out like the past memories but other than that everything would be essentially the same. So, Solar slipped on his gloves before cracking his knuckles and beginning the coding.

A little bit of friendship.

A little bit of sassiness (a trait Solar adored about Ruin).

And a tad bit of stubbornness- plus some other traits.

Eventually, Solar had been able to re-create a large majority of Ruin's memories up until the arcade incident... now all he could do is pray the memories work and don't mess up the new code lines he had programed into Ruin. With a slight hold of his artifical breath, Solar pressed the power on button and waited for the worst...


Solar opened an eye to see a sat-up Ruin, looking around their current containment unit. They looked around, confused. "Whewre ami i?" They scrambled out, the words jumbled like a jigsaw. Solar stepped into the cylinder, which made Ruin slink back. "Hey,hey...i won't hurt ya" He assured the startled bot, hands up in defense. Ruin shook their head, moving back a little more, making Solar sigh...oh boy.

"Hey, i'm not gonna hurt you...i just need to check a few things at the back of your head, ok?.. i'm not gonna hurt you, i promise" Solar repetivly assured, slowly walking closer. Ruin gulped a little before slowly relaxing, thank fuck, Solar thought. That should make things easier to do. In a few seconds, Solar was able to file through and observe the newly changed wires. Their speech wires were a little tangled, but nothing some re-plugging couldn't fix. A few other wires were out of place but nothing too concerning. Once Solar was done, he moved away, now observing Ruin.

"Who..Who are you?" Ruin asked with a tilt of their head..did..did Ruin forget all their memories?..


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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