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the corners of dallas' lips curled up looking down at the girl that has desperation in her eyes. she tried to conceal it but it still managed peak through. he looked at her and then behind her to see randy fuming.

"of course little one. let's go." he hands the coke to her which she accepts then proceeds to wrap his free arm around her shoulders. they both make their way over to some seats away from the group she was previously in to avoid any stares.

once they sat down, eleanor decided to break the silence between them, "um..dallas. i'm sorry." she fiddled with her fingers in her lap while trying to make eye contact with him but ultimately her gaze fell to her hands.

"sorry about what? i mean, the prettiest broad just asked me out after months of me going after her. if anything, i should be thank you." he winked before taking a drag of his cigarette and puffing the smoke in the opposite direction.

"it's just that- what i mean to say is that- well the thing is-." for the life of her, she could not find the words to say it to him nicely, dallas may be annoying but he didn't to deserved to played around with.

he chuckles, "don't worry, princess. i overheard everything between you and randy, to be quite honest after that comment he made about your parents i was about to go over there and give him hell." he pauses, looking at the girl still looking down at her lap nervously, "i saw you didn't need any help. it seems like you have it all under control."

"i still shouldn't have slapped him. i don't believe in fighting fire with fire." she confesses.

"i wouldn't say fire with fire but you were defending yourself and your parents. you did well, princess. now in regards of going out with you-."

"i just needed to get away from him and i kinda told me that you and i were to together. i understand if you don't want to help me out. i've been pretty mean to you these past couple of months and i'm really sorry about that." she cut him off quickly, trying to fit in her explanation.

"would ya let me finish? Jesus. i'll help you out, be your boyfriend or whatever. i want to see all them socs faces when they see i got the prettiest looking broad in all of tulsa." the girl's cheeks get rid piping hot, no one besides cherry and her late parents have called her pretty. she refuses to count randy since he most likely wants her to get in her pants.

at last, she looks up at dallas with tint of red still spread on her cheeks and bright eyes meeting his. dallas didn't believe in all the mushy lovey things but seeing eleanor under the moonlight with that look on her face, melted a part of his icy heart.

"sounds like a deal then." she sticks her hand out to dallas and while he thinks it's to shake hands with her, she intertwines their hands together. she removes her gaze off of him to focus on the movie.

they didn't let go for the entire duration of the movie.

* not edited

dun dun dun. lmaoo. i'm wholeheartedly enjoying writing small chapters like this. maybe this will become a daily updated book? :0

ALSOO i forgot to mention that the lowercase is INTENTIONAL! if it bugs you, I'm sorry :(
it's for the aesthetic 🧍‍♀️

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