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"well don't you look fine this evening eleanor." she couldn't help but cringe at his comment covering it up with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"thank you, randy." she scooted into the back seat of bob's car with randy falling suit. cherry was last to fall in, sitting in the passenger seat with bob in the driver's seat.

much to eleanor's relief, it was silent between the pairs besides the soft sound of music coming from the speakers to fill the empty air. she looked out the window to avoid randy's stares which she could still feel burning a hole in the back of her head.

they finally arrived to the drive in but decided to opt for the seated area instead of staying in the car. eleanor for the second time tonight sighed of relief knowing that she won't have to share such a small space with randy.

"eleanor and i will go ahead and get some popcorn and pop. you two cool with that?" randy asked, the girl was about to speak up but before she had the chance she was already getting dragged by her arm towards the concession stand.

"randy...randy, RANDY!" she exclaimed, "please let go, your pulling way too hard!" they stopped in front of the concession but randy would still not let go.

"eleanor, the real reason i wanted to come over here with you, is to ask you out. please be my girlfriend." he smirks at teen and it takes everything within eleanor to not hurl.

"i'm sorry randy, i can't."

"well..why not? it's not like you have a boyfriend."

those words had her ears perk up and the idea quickly infiltrate her mind, "actually i do."

"oh yeah? who?" he questions her, not fully believing that she could already have someone by her side.

she doesn't know but the first person she thought of was the same person who came into her view, dallas winston. he came out of the concessions with a cup of coke in his right hand and cigarette in his left.

she looked back a randy with a slight smirk of her own, "it's dallas winston." he scoffed finally letting go of her hand, almost as he was burnt by the contact.

"are you crazy? a greaser? you're going out with the enemy? how would your parents react if they were still here? they're probably rolling over in their graves learning about this. You know-." he was quickly cut off by a slap to the side of his face and then the girl's finger nudging his chest.

"you don't ever! talk about my parents again! do you understand? you have no right to talk about them!" she yells which caught the attention of dallas right before he could take a sip of his coke.

she stomps away from randy, towards dallas where she end up standing right in front of him, craning her neck up to look at him directly in the eyes.

"dallas winston, will you go out with me?"

*not edited.

i tried. lol. there have been many versions of this story that i may post the drafts when i finish the story. hope you like it!

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