4- Do I Disappear?

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Things to note: I am not the most confident writer so if any of this doesn't make sense please let me know, also most of this chapter is quite triggering so this is the TW

Emilia's POV

I felt myself slowly waking to the Sunlight, peircing my eyes through the blinds. Another day. The same old cycle. Great, I have to keep going on. Slowly but surely, over the past few years I have learned to dread waking up. I would always slip into my slumber hoping to never wake. I guess today was my unlucky day. I'm sick of now feeling. I wanted there to be a meaning to life. I guess I've given up on that now. I sighed, dragging myself out of the hotel bed. I slipped on some green jeans, a Bullet For My Valentine band tee and a black beanie. That will have to do. I rushed myself out of the hotel, filled with a desperate need to have a change of scenery. I ran, ignoring all the odd looks passers were giving me and just kept going. I ran until my legs nearly gave in. I found myself immersed in a dark wood. I collapsed and lay on my back, small twigs digging into my spine. I simply started straight into the morning sky that hung above me. I have no idea how long I've spent just lying here, battling the mental conflict inside me. I assume quite a while since it began raining. I'm not sure how I never noticed before but I brushed it off. I lay, letting the rain soak my clothes, trying not to think. That's the last thing I wanted. I picked myself up and started mindlessly walking further into the woods. I let my mind autopilot my body. I kept moving until I saw a tall, stone bridge hovering above a still river. There were small scaffolds lining the sides of the bridge. Before I knew it, I was climbing the strong, metal rods. Once I reached the top, I walked along the bridge admiring the beauty that was lay out below me. I sat down and dangled my legs of the edge. I had to be atleast a good 30 metres up. The more I looked down, the more I wanted to let go. If I jumped, I would be free. The lonely inside me would leave. I would no longer suffer. I stood up, still peering over the cold stone. This is it. I'd finally be doing something right. I exhaled deeply and stepped dangerously close to the edge. Three. Two. On-

"STOP, DON'T DO IT PLEASE" I heard a strong male voice shout from behind me. I stayed still, keeping my eyes fixated on the river below my body.

"I'm sorry, this is just the way it has to be," I mumbled and turned to face the man, even though he couldn't hear me. I couldn't make out his features but I could tell he was running towards me. Goodbye. I leant backwards and let my life fall into the hands of gravity. I could feel the air rush against my arms. The resistance of the world wasn't enough to stop me. Finally. I'll be at peace. Away from this hell. Goodbye world. I felt my body make impact with the precious element and water filled my lungs. I let the river take me away. I didn't try fight. I just let the cold, salty liquid take over.


A/N-Sorry for such a short chapter, I hope you enjoyed this one loves, stay tuned for the next chapter... If there is one <3

Damned (Oli Sykes fanfic) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora