3- I'm On The Edge Of The World

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*Emilia's POV*

Today was going to be tough. I had to find a way to get my hands on some cash just to keep me and Jess going for as long as possible. I didn't know if I was capable of doing that but anything was better than leaver her with that tosser back home so I sucked it up, grabbed my phone and looked for job advertisements. Although there were many open jobs, most of them happened to be in a different county or Scotland. After a few hours, I decided to just give up, after all I could always look tommorow. I noticed Jess was awake and immediately went into the kitchenette, looking for something to give her. There was a few packets of porridge, so I whipped up some of that and served her the bowl in bed. I heard my stomach grumbling. I knew I would have to force myself to go without, to save money.

*Time skip brought to you by Jordan Fish leaving BMTH :(*

After a while of watching Walking Dead I heard a loud bang on my door. Shit. Has my mum found me? Could it be an ex? Or maybe it's just room service? An escaped convict? Stop it. Get a grip and just answer the fucking door. I forced myself to open the door. Poor Jess looks terrified. Bless her. Anyway, who the fuck is banging on my door? I slowly opened the door to see two women standing infront of me, wearing badges? One was quite tall and had long, mousy brown hair and had a timid stance, and the other was quite the opposite, short, blonde hair and a very outgoing appearance.

"Hey, I'm Ailsa from social services, this is Erika," the short woman spoke in quite a tough tone, introducing herself and her Co worker. Why would they be here? I opened the door wider and motioned for them to come in.

"Well, we are here to discuss your sister, Jess' situation. You are Emilia Stone, right?" the tall woman spoke quite nervously, I think she was called Emma or something. No, she Erika was her name.

I furrowed my brows, confused. "Yes that's me? How did you find where I was and what's the matter with Jess?" I harshly spoke, not wanting to come off as a pushover. Social workers could try walk all over you sometimes. I glanced back at Jess who was awake, still sitting on the bed. She looked scared.

Erika spoke again with more confidence than last time, "I don't know how to tell you this but, Jess is not your sister. She was put into care when she was a baby and your parents took her on. Her mother and father gave her up as they weren't stable enough to give her what she needed. Her dad is now living very comfortably in the other side of Sheffield. It is important that we return her to her original parent. I'm so sorry that it has to be this way, I understand this can be a bit of a shock to the system." A BIT??? SHE HAS TO BE FUCKING JOKING!!! My sister is being taken away from me and is going to go live with someone she hasn't even met. This has to be wrong?! And we are in Sheffield? Atleast that clears the location situation up. So she's really going away? I couldn't even begin to process the information I had just been told. I mean if she was in a stable household, maybe she would benefit from it? Rather than living with a teenage runaway, who barely know her next move, this seemed like the better option for her.

I had to leave my selfish thoughts of making her stay and replied to the two women,"okay, I'll have her pack her bag. Thank you for coming, she'll be out in a few minutes." As much as I hated the thought of half of my life leaving, I had to do this. For Jess.

"Thank you ma'am, we much appreciate the co-operation," stated Ailsa, in a reassuring tone. Having Jess hear that conversation, I hadn't needed to say anything to her before she walked over to us, backpack in hand.

"Give us a minute to say goodbye? Please," I pleaded the women. They simply nodded their heads and left to go to the kitchenette.

I sighed and looked at Jess. "Are you sure about this, that you want to go? You've barely had time to make a decision?" I questioned her, probably coming off as desperate, like I was almost begging her to change her mind.

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