Chapter Thirty-Five: Ethan

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Ethan watched the sunrise from the roof of the Department building. The first threads of dawn had just peeked over the horizon. White waves of light spilled a flurry of thin ribbons through a patchwork of early morning overcast as fat, gray clouds swirled above. Thunder grumbled in the distance with the threat of rain. Ethan sat at the edge of the building, feet dangling as he stared below.

Traffic crawled even this early in the morning. Brake lights flared in the blackness, reminding him of the beady red eyes of the krawl, those blanch, faceless creatures. The squeal of tires and the honking of car horns rose from the streets, accompanied by the roar of impatient engines.

It was strange. Watching the living go about their day, ignorant of the fact that less than an hour and a half away, an entire town was in the process of being completely scrubbed from the map.

The higher ups considered the operation a success. A success meant that over five thousand lives had been lost, eight Reapers had been devoured by the krawl, and the thing responsible for the entire massacre had gotten away. But it was all a success because the young necromancer had been killed. His soul was likely already rotting away in the bowls of Limbo. But Ethan didn't feel right about it. He didn't feel right about any of it.

And what of the fate of the living that happened to survive the onslaught in Medessi? What would happened to them? Would they be forced to carry on like nothing happened? None of it set right with Ethan.

The mood around the Department had been a somber one. No one spoke about the Reapers that hadn't made it back because everyone knew that they were not coming back. They weren't dead because nothing could truly die, but everything is transformed. Everything eventually becomes somethings else. That was the true nature of the universe. The rule of death. Mordac and the others were just out there, somehow, somewhere. Lost. No one would ever see them again no matter what form Ethan or any of the others took on next.

Ethan had thought it best to leave everyone else be. All the other Reapers knew Mordac and the others after all, whereas Ethan had only seen them in the last few moments before the krawl had taken them. He didn't feel right sticking around, even though everyone, Rajiv, JT, Gretchen, and even Gustav, felt that they had him to thank for the fact that they had even returned at all.

The first time it had happened back in Fenway Park, Ethan had been so sure. In fact, he had been certain that something else had produced the brief flash of light. But after what had just happened in Medessi. He didn't know. He was still trying to wrap his mind around it all. That woman. Her words. The light.

Ethan stared at the sections of his body that remained blurry from where the krawl had tried to devour him. It was a sight that he felt he could never quite get used to, and a feeling that made him feel all too physical again. The feeling of incompleteness. But even the soul mends itself, and already Ethan noticed spots that have begun to clear up where earlier there had been blurs.

He was hearing that sad song again. He was feeling that warmth spreading all over like before.

"May I join you?" a voice offered. Ethan turned and saw Taskmaster Aiden approaching from behind.

Ethan nodded, saying nothing, and the man took a seat next to him at the edge of the building. They both stared out over the city, watching the light of morning slowly creep around the corners of buildings, chasing the night away.

"Hiding up here until everyone forgets what you've done?" Aiden asked him. "Because they won't," he continued, "Rajiv, JT, saved them, Ethan. And we're all grateful."

Ethan shrugged.

"It's just that..." he began. But suddenly he didn't know what to say.

"We cannot afford to dwell on our losses," Aiden said. "These things happen, even here in the Nearafter. Mordac, Wayne, Erin; they are no longer a part of our world. They belong to a different existence now, and we can do nothing to change that." He put a hand on Ethan's shoulder and smiled. "You're a hero, Ethan."

Ethan shifted his body uncomfortably. The word didn't sit right with him. Maybe he was. Maybe he wasn't. Regardless, Ethan didn't like how it sounded. He'd only been dead for a couple of days now and already he was crowned Champion of the Reapers. But he was no champion. And he was barely a reaper. The light could be explained. He just didn't know how.

Aiden's hand slid away slowly, and his smile faded. Ethan saw the new look on the man's face and knew that there was something else on his mind.

Unfortunately, he knew that look well. There was bad news in store. Ethan had his hand up before Aiden started.

"I know, I know," he said. "My name still hasn't appeared in the system. I'm going to be stuck her for-"

"It's about your brother..." Aiden said. Ethan stopped talking. He looked at Aiden, with his eyes searching the man's face for some sign that he was about to tell a cruel joke. But there was no sign. He only continued. "There was an incident-"

"Is he alive?" Ethan asked. Aiden nodded. "But...?" Ethan pressed.

"But he hasn't woken up," Aiden explained. "He's in a coma."

Ethan was on his feet again, pacing on the rooftop, mind slowly wheeling out of control. Soon he would lose it.

"I need to see him," Ethan insisted. Taskmaster Aiden was on his feet as well. He tried to calm Ethan.

"Think for a moment," he said.

But for whatever reason, Ethan couldn't think. Would Nolan live? Would he die? Would he ever even come out of his coma? He was only ten. Ethan had barely known him. Despite that.

"I need to see him!" Ethan said.

"We can arrange that, but first you need to understand the dynamics..."

Ethan could no longerhear the man. Thoughts of his little brother consumed him. Fear and uncertaintyhad a hold of his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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