BCJ 9 • pete and peter

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Taking care of an actual kid wasn't really that much of a problem for Kao since he was used to it. He could look after a group of kids for a day and he'd still enjoy it.

But taking care of a grownup who still acts like a child requires a different level of patience and understanding.

It was just their second day at the orphanage but he could already sense his blood spiking because of Pete.

"I got it first!" Peter howled as he grabbed the ball from Pete who immediately raised the ball over his head.

Kao just stood there, watching and waiting for one of them to finally surrender but it didn't happen.

They had already spent almost an hour arguing whose turn it was to shoot the ball and Kao was on the verge of flipping the court upside down.

He didn't even know how in the world the two ended up in the basketball court. He was busy helping in the kitchen when he decided to look for Pete and heard arguments from a distance.

"Why don't you two give it up already? It's time for lunch."

"No!" the two said in unison before giving each other deadly glares.

"I was here first! You just stole the ball from me!" Peter retaliated before giving Pete a punch but failed.

"Oh, really? Because I can't see your name on this ball, you midget," Pete taunted before poking a finger on Peter's head, emphasizing their height difference.

"Pete, you better leave the kid alone and help in the kitchen, or I'm gonna shove that ball down your throat."

Pete playfully grinned before giving Peter a light punch on the shoulder. He thought that would be the start of another fight but luckily, Pete heeded his words and started marching towards the kitchen.

Kao carefully approached Peter who was already dribbling the ball.

"Peter, why don't you clean up so you could eat lunch?"

Peter didn't answer and just dribbled the ball away from him.

"I heard some couples are visiting. Why don't you dress up so you'd be chosen."

That made Peter stop on his tracks. He immediately threw the ball away and stared at Kao.

"Leave me alone," he muttered before going back inside the building.

Kao already know how much of a stubborn Peter was so he just decided to leave the kid alone and continue helping in the kitchen.

His brows furrowed the moment he entered the kitchen for there stood Pete who was undeniably flirting with the other volunteers.

For some reason, he felt agitated, not because Pete was not doing anything to help but because of something else. He just couldn't point it out.

"How many times are you gonna lick those lips of yours? You look like a fucking iguana," he snarled as he slammed the food tray in front of Pete.

"Tss. Move over. I'm watching Celeste," Pete replied without even laying his eyes on Kao.

Kao's eyes then landed on the woman who was scooping food for the kids. He'd admit, Celeste was pretty, the kind of pretty that Pete would definitely go after, the kind of pretty that would turn heads wherever she sets her foot on.

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