BCJ 3 • the baby and his sitter

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Kao glanced at the key in his hand then at the door in front of him. He has never been this conflicted.

He attempted to knock, then paused.

His boss must have trusted him so much for him to give a copy of the key to his son's unit when in fact they barely knew him. In fact they don't know him at all.

He hesitated and tried to weigh the consequences of his decision. He even attempted to return the keys to his boss before going there, but there he was, clutching the thing that may or may not change his life.

He heaved a deep sigh before finally sputtering words of whatever shit happens and unlocked the door with trembling hands, pushing it right after.

He marveled at the place. The unit was so huge and clean that it could probably house a party of 50 people. And at the same time, it was vacant and not a single trace of human could be detected.

Kao tried calling out for someone but the halls remained empty so he decided to just settle his things on the nearby couch and headed to the kitchen.

It was where he found the real battle, for in the sink was a pile of dirty plates and several empty cups of instant noodles. It seemed that they hadn't been washed for several days based on the green musty organisms that were starting to appear on the plates, not to add the fact that some squiggly lines started moving on some of the plates.

He then looked at the other side of the house and noticed a pair of socks on the floor.

"Ugh, great. Talk about babysitting," he grunted before marching towards the door which he deemed as the bedroom.

He knocked on the door a couple times but no one answered. He knocked again but this time a topless chinky man opened the door and grinned at him. He eventually recognized him—Kristoffer Khai.

"Oh, who do we got here? Dude! You've got visitor!" Khai called out.

Kao furrowed in confusion as he looked at the man in front of him before someone else pushed him aside.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Pete's voice hollered in the entire area.


"Dad! I told you I don't need a babysitter! And besides I'm not a baby. Come on, I'm a full grownup!"

"Well, clearly you're not acting like one."


Kao swallowed nervously as he watched Pete argue with his father who apparently rushed over when Pete threatened him that he'd burn the entire building.

"My decision is final, Pete. It's either you let Kao accompany you on weekends or you move with your Aunt Carrie to London."

"No! I'm not going anywhere."

"Then, you act like a full grownup and be responsible. I gotta go. I still have another meeting to attend to."

Kao could feel the glares Pete was shooting him at the back of his head.

As he was well compensated for his job, he decided it was best to ignore his "baby" and started cleaning the kitchen.

He couldn't help but grimace at the amount of chaos he had to clean.

"Get me some juice," Pete ordered out of nowhere.

He threw him a glare first before giving him the fakest smile he could muster.

"What juice would you like, sir?"

"I want freshly-squeezed orange juice. You go buy some fruits from the market," Pete said flatly but he definitely caught a glimpse of the smirk on his face.

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