Start from the beginning

He did not look like he had been scolded.

Xing Miaomiao’s palms were sweating. She suddenly did not dare to frame him anymore. She had a feeling that she would shoot herself in the foot.

She scolded herself for being a coward. She had retreated without doing anything.

However, thinking from another perspective, if Luo Feng saw the note and got caught, the handwriting would definitely lead back to her. Even though she wrote with her left hand, her writing habits could still be discerned.

Xing Miaomiao consoled herself that she didn’t prepare enough this time. She would definitely teach Luo Feng a lesson next time!

Hence, she silently stuffed the paper ball under her butt.

At the same time, Ai Tingya also noticed Luo Feng.

She knew that if Luo Feng wanted to get first place in the class, she would be the biggest obstacle… She hoped that Luo Feng could win since she also wanted to continue being Luo Feng’s deskmate. Being by Luo Feng’s side made her feel extremely at ease.

Ai Tingya had pre-studied a new class during the winter break and saw the purpose of the last two major questions.

She didn’t know if Luo Feng would be able to do it, Luo Feng would always drag her out to shop because during winter break. In other words… if she wanted to help Luo Feng, she would have to give up on them.

At the thought of this, Ai Tingya hastily wrote an answer in the blank space of the first big question. Then, she turned back and began to check.

Luo Feng, this is all I can do.

Immediately after, the two-day foundation test quickly ended.

Luo Feng’s performance in almost every exam was the same. He finished it within half an hour and handed in his paper half an hour in advance. Then, while the other students were packing up their stationery and complaining about how difficult the exam questions were, Luo Feng brought food back, chatted and laughed with Ai Tingya.

Even though Ai Tingya looked like she had a lot on her mind, she was happy to see Luo Feng. The hearts of half of the boys in the classroom melted the moment she smiled.

“How can this question be wrong?!”

“Did this person listen to the class or not!”

“What kind of essay is this? Even a chicken’s beak looks better than this!”

“The chemical formulas are all wrong. Where did the last bunch come from?”

The teachers of the various subjects who were editing the papers were about to be broken by all kinds of strange answers in the classroom office. There was a nameless fire that could not be extinguished no matter how much chrysanthemum tea was poured down their throats.

“I’m so angry. Still thinking about taking the college entrance examination at this level?” Teacher Yu slapped the book on the table speechlessly. One more look and her eyes would hurt.

“Don’t be angry, don’t be angry. Teacher Yu, look at this paper. The answer is very good. The paper is also very clean!” The teacher beside her called out in surprise. “Everyone, come and take a look too. I wonder which class this student is from.”

It was rare for there to be such a high evaluation. Even teachers who did not teach mathematics leaned forward to take a look.

“It’s really very good. There’s no mark at all.”

“The handwriting doesn’t look like it’s from our class. What a pity.”

“I want to remember this student’s name. Let’s have a sneak peak at who he is.”

The mathematics teachers were discussing this perfect paper. Teacher Yu glanced at it and retreated to the back quietly. Fireworks exploded in her heart.

Wasn’t this Luo Feng’s paper? She had already seen it once during the invigilation.

She pretended not to know as she looked at the scenery.

Then one of the teachers said in surprise: “Luo Feng! He’s from Teacher Yu’s class!”

All the teachers’ attention shifted from the papers to Teacher Yu. They said enviously, “Teacher Yu, why haven’t I heard you mention such a good student in your class?”

“I’ll be thankful if our class’s papers are half as good as Luo Feng’s.”

“Teacher Yu, can you lend me your lesson plan? I also want to help the students in my class.”

“I only knew about Ai Tingya from your class in your class. Why haven’t I heard of Luo Feng?”

Teacher Yu’s face had never been as bright as it was at that moment. There was an uncontrollable joy on her face.

She pretended to be angry and said, “Luo Feng? Don’t mention him. He made a bet with me and said he wanted to get first place in order to sit with a girl. I thought he was bragging! Was that his paper? Did you see it wrong?”

“No!” A teacher handed over the original paper and opened the gap to reveal the name.

Teacher Yu covered her mouth and laughed. “Aiyo, I knew this kid had a lot of potential previously. He has finally exploded now.”

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When I saw The Returns, I invested in My Future Wife FirstWhere stories live. Discover now