The Last and The Least Fave Among Faves II❤️😂🖖

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Three Loss In a Summer
Chapter 6 [The Last and The Least Fave Among Faves II] ❤️😂🖖

"I came here to meet Bonita " Julian not shocked , it wasn't my first time "oh" he shooked as he left .  
"So how's  things going" she instigated "fine , fine , fine ..... and how's school going " I asked cool, cool" she replied "I can't  ask how's your BF b'cos you're attending a girl's only school " I whined "well I have " she said "and what's his name " I asked rather very quickly "I'm just kidding and why did you ask so sharply " I laughed loudly to cover up the question we chatted till it was getting late , so I had to get going and she decided to see me off , we both walked down to my house with her brother of course , "I promise to come over the next day , they said okay, then I went into my house " Mr . Love head Buckethat" my sister whined "oh please just call me when dinner is served " then I went up to my room, fell on my bed and all l could think of is 'Bonita, Bonita ,Bonita ....well let me introduce you  to my last fave .... Her name is Bonita  miguel, the sister of my friend , she's one of the reasons I can't wait for  holidays  because she comes home from boarding then we gist and she's fun to be around with , She's the same height with me, have a bright smile and has a rating of 7.9 in beauty , yeah I know you guys might be thinking , l always settle for less beautiful girl but it's more of me facing reality that l can't surely roll with someone with a 9 above beauty rating , l have three faves and obviously she's the third on the table , l like her as a younger sister and friend ... here is me friend zoning her ... Well it is what it is...l went down to eat my food . It was daybreak, l went to school, earned a credit , chatted with Miranda, gave an excuse to Terrence about why couldn't make it to his game nighty l went home drop my bags then l went off to Julian's or should I say Bonita's, I went in greeted Julian and Bonita came out looking more beautiful wearing "So how's  things going" she instigated "fine , fine , fine ..... and how's school going " I asked cool, cool" she replied "I can't  ask how's your BF b'cos you're attending a girl's only school " I whined "well I have " she said "and what's his name " I asked rather very quickly "I'm just kidding and why did you ask so sharply " I laughed loudly to cover up the question we chatted till it was getting late , so I had to get going and she decided to see me off , we both walked down to my house with her brother of course , "I promise to come over the next day , they said okay, then I went into my house " Mr . Love head Buckethat" my sister whined "oh please just call me when dinner is served " then I went up to my room, fell on my bed and all l could think of is 'Bonita, Bonita ,Bonita ....well let me introduce you  to my last fave .... Her name is Bonita  miguel, the sister of my friend , she's one of the reasons I can't wait for  holidays  because she comes home from boarding then we gist and she's fun to be around with , She's the same height with me, have a bright smile and has a rating of 7.9 in beauty , yeah I know you guys might be thinking , l always settle for less beautiful girl but it's more of me facing reality that l can't surely roll with someone with a 9 above beauty rating , l have three faves and obviously she's the third on the table , l like her as a younger sister and friend ... here is me friend zoning her ... Well it is what it is...l went down to eat my food . It was daybreak, l went to school, earned a credit , chatted with Miranda, gave an excuse to Terrence about why couldn't make it to his game nighty l went home drop my bags then l went off to Julian's or should I say Bonita's, I went in greeted Julian and Bonita came out looking more beautiful wearing an A-shaped gown with a writing inscription 'You Inspired Me Today' then I said "you don't have to tell the world what I did" she didn't get, she traced my eye 👀👁️, then she saw it was the inscription on her cloth I was making comment about.... She chuckled "you ain't serious" we laughed, this time Julian was with us 😏, we chatted a while till they told me about 5heir parent's decision to relocate for personal reasons ..... It was like I got shot  in the heart 💔💘🔫.... Then they told me they were all waiting for Julian to get his final credit and  graduate then they would be moving to far, far, New York City, I didn't get myself I told them I had to go home and that was the beginning of my loss that summer

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