Younger Years

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A young girl walks to her mother as she sat on their dark red fancy couch with a white blanket in her hands. Her mother was tall, with mauve skin, blond hair and large dark red horns. She was wearing a black dress with a pearl necklace as she held the small baby. The tall woman looked at the small girl, she was around 9 years old with long blonde hair and skin as white as snow. Her cheeks had large red dots adorning them, matching her ruby eyes. Her dress was long and white and she was wearing ruby red slippers. The mother looked down at her, "Oh Charlotte, you're finally here. Come, say hello to your little brother."

Charlotte looks down at the small baby wrapped in a white cloth. He was blonde with a small patch of black hair in the middle of his forehead. His skin matched their mother's, a light mauve color, though upon closer inspection it seemed as though the boy had fur. His eyes were red with yellow sclera, a white shine in his big eyes. Upon his head was two tiny dark red horns with darker stripes and underneath the blanket, he had a small goat tail. She poked at his small cheek, "Woah, Mama! He's so teeny-tiny!"

The mother giggled, "Yes, he is rather small, isn't he? But he'll grow, don't you worry."
Charlotte kept poking at his face, causing him to giggle, "Hehe, I think he should be small forever! He's so cute!"

The father of the two children awkwardly walked into the room, "Hello, sweet daughter of mine! Lilith, sweetie, I'm here now."

Lilith smiled sweetly at her husband, "I see that, Lucifer. It took you a while to get back here."

Charlotte sat on the bed, still playing with her newborn brother as her father leaned down to kiss her mother on the cheek. He gazed at the small baby lovingly, he felt that his family was now complete...


About a year later, Charlotte was enjoying her time playing with her baby brother as he grew. As he got bigger, she and her parents noticed that his knees seemed to be growing... Backwards? With small red nails on his feet, it was evident that his legs resembled a goat's and his feet were similar to hooves.

Lilith was enjoying her time watching her children play together. Francis tried to get up to stand but he had fallen onto the floor, so he started crawling to his sister. Charlotte leaned down to see her baby brother crawling behind her on the floor better, "Francis, you almost got it! But hey, you're crawling! That's good!" The baby boy giggled at her, trying to reach for his sister.

To her surprise, the small tyke then burped as a small flame popped out of his mouth. Further amazing his sister as well as his father. Lucifer was walking through the room, "That's my boy! What a fireball! Did you see that, Charlie?"


"He said my name! He said my name! Dad! Mom, I was his first word!"

Lilith giggled majestically, "Yes, I heard him, Charlotte. Though I suppose he doesn't know how to pronounce your full name yet."

Charlie giggled with her mother, tickling Francis's stomach, "That's okay! I like being called 'Charlie' anyway! Say it again, Francis! Say it again!"

The baby smiled at his sister's excitement, "Chawie! Chawie! Chawie!"

Charlie continued to jump up and down around her brother in excitement. Francis giggled at his sister's antics, attempting to jump along with her. Though it only resulted in him making a jumping motion while sitting down. The room was filled with the sound of children's laughter.


Years later, the siblings started attending school in Hell. Specifically a private academy meant for demons of royal lineage. After their mother had left, the two siblings had been being dropped off by their father's white limo. But today, Charlie wanted a bit of a change in their routine. She wanted to take a walk to school, get to know the citizens of Hell on their way to a place of learning. Francis often followed Charlie wherever she went so it wasn't hard to convince him to come with her.

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