22. So fuçkin' demanding

Start from the beginning

Zuri laughed, "Orion we're not about to resolve this by going to fight the principal—or kids,"

He hummed, "depending on what this lady talkin' about. How bad can some fuckin' five year olds be?"

Conversation flowed between the two for the rest of the ride and once they had made it to the school, Zuri had mentally calmed herself down. She knew how her attitude and hands could get and she didn't want to show this school what they already expect of her, "we're just going to go in, have a talk with the triplets, see if we can resolve the issue, and then leave.." she told Orion.

She could only remember violent Orion back in highschool—he didn't even go to their school but he had their school terrified when he'd be waiting under that big oak tree stationed across the street. Zuri could remember students always checking the big window that faced the tree before they exited school, especially if some shit had went down with Nala or Kasim' that day. It was times that Orion got into the school unnoticed and beat niggas that called themselves bullies—in the hallways, cafeteria, classrooms etc.

He even beat a teacher once for offering to give Nala a better grade if she had done something for him, it creeped Nala out and the next hour Orion was in cuffs and the teacher was on the way to the hospital.

Zuri knew that he took bullying very serious—and she knew it stemmed from his older sister committing suicide after being bullied at home by their drug addicted mother and then having to go through highschool and endure the same thing.

He was just twelve when that happened, and Zuri didn't know much about it. Only the rumors through their highschool, and he only got worse when his mother overdosed when he was just sixteen—Zuri was around that time but she still never knew in depth. As much as they were around one another because of Nala—the two never really formed a bond how he and Kasim had done.

"I've changed Zuri," he held the door open for her.

Zuri chuckled, they walked to the principals office and had walked straight in.

"Miss Zuri," Joy stood and ran into her arms, Zuri hugged her and the young girl began to cry into her neck.

Zuri felt her plan vanish upon her tears, "why is she crying?" She asked.

The principal—Sally Mackintosh—had fixed her glasses and her eyes never left from looking behind Zuri, Zuri looked behind her and even she became a little scared. Orion stood there with his arms folded across his chest and a look that would terrify anyone etched onto his face, "I think she asked you a question' usually when you get asked something you answer? Correct?"

Zuri felt him pulled them behind him and he stood in front of them, "we ain't gonna' ask again—Sally—you understand me?" He read her name plaque and then looked into her eyes.

"I—she had a little incident with another student, she's upset we had to split her from her sisters. Faith and Hope got into a fight at recess," her face was red, "T—they fought another little girl on the playground, and from what we could see on the cameras it was because the little girl had threw woodchips at Joy, pushed her down, and pulled at her hair...I was trying to explain the situation over the phone before miss Zuriena hung up,"

Zuri stepped up, "is it the same little girl that Joy has been having issues with from day one?"


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