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| Alana

"Okay kids this is a new town and a fresh start I know we came here a little late but it'll all be okay" I was a little all over the place at the moment.

It was my kids first day of school in the new town we're in. Well they're not all mine biologically but they're mine for the most part and my husbands of course.

I guess I should introduce myself first...

I'm Alana Mikaelson well technically I'm Alana Hale. I'm a vampire witch hybrid and my family is mixed with different supernatural species.

For the most part there is my husband Christian who's a vampire but he's what we call a day walker. Unlike cold ones who have marble like skin, sparkle in the sun, and can't eat or drink he can do all of that.

He burns in the sun over and when he goes without blood he descicates slowly. I met him when I was about 16 in passing. We had bumped into each other and something just clicked. I never saw him again after that day until I was 22.

My story is a bit traumatic unfortunately since I was kidnapped when I was 19. I found out my little sister had died only a year or two after my alleged disappearance.

Anyways Chris is the only one of his kind that was before he turned me. It had turned out he had been keeping an eye on me all along. Our meeting was an accident but when I had went missing it happened to be the one time he had to go handle business.

Moving on though our biological kids as in the ones we made together and I birthed are Sinthia who is part vampire part wolf and the twins Athena and Athea both known as heretics.

Sinthia's wolf gene triggered when she was 12 but we still have no idea why. She got the gene from her dad's side of the family. Like the shifters she can control her shifts but usually she should only be able to shift on a full moon.

Shes known as a child of the moon so they don't shift out of free will somehow she can. Chris has the gene but it remained dormant and to this day we're trying to figure out how to break the curse.

Athena and Athea are both witch and vampire. That's not why they're known as heretics though. It's because they don't have their own magic.

Witches who don't have their own magic and get it from other supernatural beings or items are known as siphoners.

With Christian being the only vampire of his kind we came up with the name heretic once they were turned and still kept their siphoning abilities.

However siphoners were extremely rare and to witches they were abominations. I always told the girls otherwise though. Wiccan witches were extremely judgy and there were barely any of them left.

They saw the cold ones as abominations as well and they tried to kill them off. However the Volturi and Romanians got to them first as the years passed killing them off.

Not that I cared while their magic came from their ancestors and nature mine was core magic. Similar to Wizards from Harry Potter but without the wand.

Arabella is a Fairy, I honestly didn't know any weee still alive. Shes the last of her kind unfortunately. She sometimes feels like an outsider with most of us being some mix of vampire hybrid not including George and Fred.

She's always however reassured that'd she just as incredible as the rest of us if not more. Especially since she's an extinct species.

Then there's Tori and Tony twins but not our biological children. We found them when they were only 2 running away from nomads. They're parents were killed by the nomads their parents being Puma shifters an incredibly rare species.

They were caught off guard and although they were strong they were outnumbered. When we found the twins after they ran into us we killed the nomads.

The twins are known as hybrids much like Sin except they were turned rather than born. We turned them when they were 18, they can change their appearance to make them look as if they age.

In fact we all can do it, it helps a lot when we move. However we're able to stay in places for years with us being able to change.

Lastly there is George and Fred also twins but brothers of Chris. They're Demon hounds, I personally find it pretty cool. However they're not hybrids because they're already immortal.

a/n: I'll be changing the timeline so don't be alarmed.

While Chris is over 1000 years old, older than the Volturi he did not choose to be vampire royalty. However he and our family are known by the Volturi.

I am just over 400 pushing 500, the kids are between the ages of 300 and 200 because they age differently. They age faster than a human but still slightly slow. George and Fred are obviously around the same age as Chris.

We have a rather good relationship with them in fact. It helped that we saved Didyme who was one of the kings Marcus wife. She was also the sister of Aro however.

She was bit my a werewolf and found that Chris blood, mine, or one of our children's could cure a werewolf bite. Ever since then we've been allies.

Now most people find this weird but we never really cared. The relationships seem odd to outsiders though for good reason. It's quite understandable that humans were put off by "siblings" dating despite some being adopted.

In the supernatural world we have mates which is why it was never a problem. Mates are very important and sacred and not to be confused with blood singers.

However with us being a different type of vampire we didn't have blood singers. Unlike cold ones who tend to get in a lot of dangerous situations due to being with their blood singer rather than waiting for their mate.

It never ends well though either the vampire is killed by the Volturi due to exposing our world, the vampire kills their blood singer, or they're killed by a nomad.

It's common knowledge that it's fair game if a human mate is harmed. This means if another vampire were to harm a human mate they can be killed. The same goes for if a vampire kills another vampires mate that's not human.

Regardless as I said mates are sacred and most cold ones find their blood singer first.

So Tori and Arabella are mates, Toni and Athena as well. Obviously me and Christian, Sinthia and Athea has not met therr mate yet but has had brief relationships over the years. As for George and Fred they're mates the witch twins Jane and Alec.

a/n: the twins were turned when they were like 13 or 14 I believe so I aged them up to 18.

They didn't want to be apart of the Volturi and didn't want to take Jane and Alex from the only family they've ever known. So they talk on the phone all of the time and visit each other.

So yea that's our family crazy, unique, chaotic, but I'd never trade them for anything in the world.

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