Chapter 2

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Iruka s POV
Omg. I just embarrassed myself. Like, a lot. Alr, so in case you have short term memory loss, I just asked Kakashi Hatake(yes, THE Kakashi hatake) to live with me. I mean, he said yes, but still.

I don't know why I want him to live with me, it's just another mouth to feed and another person to deal with- and I'm not exactly a people person.

Of course he is cute, and his hair does look fluffy, and he is smart, and his voice is hot, and he's super strong, but still.

I'm straight. Right? AeÆeaæ.

I just don't know. Anyways, after I left the hospital crying mentally over my attempt at whatever that was. It started to rain, which was a nice distraction from the impending thought of doom on my walk home.


Ever since I was a young child, I had awaks thought boy were kinda cute. Just kinda. I also thought girls were cute, as well. Clearly this caused some dilemma for simple minded 12 year old iruka.

I told people about it, but they never believed me. Looking back at it, I think they did believe me. They just didn't believe my love was real. That because I wasn't set straight forward, I was fundamentally inhuman.

And, to be honest, I thought I was inhuman. Not because of normal things, like the fact I'm a shorty or the fact that everyone I meet that has a normal hair color is either evil or dies. I thought I was inhuman because they told me I was.

I can't imagine how Kakashi felt after his fathers.... Incident. Everyone telling him he's worthless, because his father did the right thing. Everyday must've been an uphill battle for him.

What was it like? Why does he keep doing this? Everyday in and out, what is his will, his motivation?  I could never imagine something like that. 

My legs stop working as I think back to my parents incident. The rain keeps splashing down, a barrage of thoughts that keep showering down.

You were too weak
You could've saved them
Why couldn't you do it?
You cost them their lifes
You've given them nothing

Useless. That's the word. 7 letters. Doesn't seem like a big deal. But that one word is like a hammer trying to break a rock. Once, it's not a big deal. Hit the rock twice and it's a bit worse, but still not that bad. But when you here that word everyday, beating down on you, chipping away at that rock, eventually, there's nothing left to chip away.


But it's not a big deal ig. But anyways, I'm standing here with rain pouring down on me, while everyone is staring at me because I've been looking at the ground for 3 minutes. They probably think I'm talking to my schizophrenia buddy. Which, in all fairness, I kind of am. Who am I talking to? This is normal, right?
Ugh, ignore it.

After a couple more cringe, sad 90s montage I make it to my house. A couple seconds go by of me trying to remember how to work a key. My brain is just on and off today. I have tonight and a bit of tomorrow to clean my room and make it look like someone sexy lives there. I got this. I got this.


I don't got this.

Kakashi's POV:
I got one more night here, and then I move in with iruka. I'm excited, for some unknown reason. Anytime I speak to iruka, the flare comes back.

The flare feels like a flame in my stomach. I feel so complete and yet so empty. Why I feel this way, I don't know. If this is love, I also don't know. All I know is that I want to be with him.

The flare is a new emotion, and i don't know if I should be scared or not. I don't know if I should trust him or not. The flare hurts and much as it heals. A double edged blade.

When I think of iruka, I have a vision. It's really weird and I've never felt anything like it. I view us on a couch snuggling up together, of course I still have my mask on. My head is in the crook of his neck. His arm wrapped around me and us sharing a blanket while watching a show.

He looks down at me and gives me a small kiss on the head. Everything softens. All the bad in the world doesn't seem half bad. It all calms, like still water after a tsunami. I wish I felt the way I did in the vision.

1 day later

I limp slowly out of the hospital with iruka on my side, guiding me to wherever the hell he lives. I could tell he was avoiding eye contact as he hooked his arm around my. I wonder why.

When we reached his house, I watched him fiddle with the keys for a little bit before he was successfully able to open the door. Cute.

His house was organized but messy at the same time, spacious but cluttered, loud but quiet, vibrant but subtle, everything and nothing. The style gave off a "I tolerate you" vibe when you walk in.

He walked me through his house, but I stopped at a crimson painted wall that had a picture of a woman with brunette hair and a scar under her eye. Her hair was pushed back with a headband and she was holding a bouquet of daisies and roses.

"Who's that?" I ask. He looks over at me like I'm part of the cartel. His mind clicks as he looks over at the picture.
"That's... my mother" his gaze softened.

In case you couldn't tell, I'm not good at writing for a long time. 996 words and I'm already tired. Anyways❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love them😭 cya next time🤧

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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