Don't Play With Nell Guns

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Inside a gun shop located around Red Grave City, an old, grouchy, and stubborn-looking woman named Nell Goldstein can be seen minding her own business while reading the latest issue of her magazine. Suddenly, however, the sound of loud crying breaks her peace, causing her to look up and notice a certain man in red standing at the entrance of her shop. In one hand he holds a bag of broken guns, while in the other he carries a blue-haired baby girl, the source of the crying.

"Huh, and here I thought I only had to deal with one cry baby today."

Nell didn't seem fazed by what she was seeing, putting down her magazine and fully facing the two, who walked up to her, and placed a bag of broken guns on her counters

"I need a replacement for my guns..."

The man in red simply ignored both Goldstein's comments and the baby's crying, wanting new guns now; he just wanted to leave already.

"Not even gonna introduce me to this bundle of sunshine?"

Nell raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms and frowning slightly.

"I just need new guns, and I'll be out of your way."

The man in red sighed angrily, rubbing his head and wishing he could just end the day today.


Nell scoffs in response, as she then stands up from her seat and walks off, going into the office in the back and leaving the man in red alone in the shop with the crying baby

"Here you go."

A few moments later, Nell came back to the man in red and placed some stuff on the counter, but instead of being guns that he needed, he was given a bottle of water and baby milk mix

"What, I said I needed-"

"Tony, I won't be doing business with a man who won't even take care of the baby first."

Before the man in red, now known as Tony Redgrave, could say anything about this, Nell quickly interrupted him and made it very clear in what she wanted him to do now

"But she's not even mine-"

"I won't repeat myself."

Tony sighed in defeat when Nell gave him no other choice; there was no reason to continue arguing further. He did as he was told, slamming his fist on the counter, which made both the baby's milk mix and the cap jump up and fall into the bottled water. Next, he grabbed it, shook it hard and fast, and then finally gave it to the baby, who immediately stopped crying because she had been desperate for the milk.

"There, happy?"

Tony glares at the old woman with an annoyed face, which made her smirk.

"Yes, now come with me."

Nell then turns away to walk back into her office again, though this time gesturing for Redgrave to follow her

"Can't I just-"


Again, Tony was forced to listen, grumbling and cursing under his breath as he followed after Nell, once in the office, several hours of pure torture had begun, at least for the man in red, though honestly it was nothing more than the gun shop owner making the Devil Hunter take care of all the baby's needs, like changing her dirty diaper, taking her a bath, making sure she had medical treatments, getting her some fresh new clothes, and lastly, feeding her another bottle of milk, all the while rocking her to sleep in the rocking chair, though it seemed that only Redgrave was about to pass out and fall asleep from how tiring all he did for the baby.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 17 ⏰

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