I jumped out of the RV, grabbing my necklace, I ripped it off my neck and turned it into a scythe.

I changed into Fright and took off for the screams I heard. I looked down at the streets below me. People were shooting ghosts with their guns, while my allies helped them with harder ghosts.

I saw Danny fighting Fright Knight, and I slammed into the Knight, making him barrel backwards.

I summoned an orb on the end of my scythe sending it towards the armored ghost.

It hit him sending him back into the ghost zone. Danny smiled shakily back at me. I healed him with my scythe, letting him become stronger, and ready to fight.

"Let's go!" I yelled, my voice was quiet over the screams of the people.

I swooped down hitting every ghost I saw with a orb to make them go back home.

After a while, meaning 6 hours, we finally got all the ghosts out of town, but 1.

Pariah Dark.

Danny was pooped, and so was I, but my scythe only had enough power for one more healing spell.

"Use it for yourself." Danny said suddenly.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Frostbite, he never got the chance to tell you, but you're the one who needs to save everyone. Fright you're the prophecy." He said. I was taken aback.

Frostbite had told me about the prophecy ghost. The prophecy ghost would save both the world and the ghost zone.

"What?" I asked again, but it came out as a tiny whisper.

"Go!" He yelled.

Grabbing my scythe, I healed myself.

I soared towards where Pariah was. How do I know where he is? I can hear yells, and buildings were collapsing.

I spotted Maddie, down below shooting at Pariah with a regular ectogun, and flew down to her.

I created a giant blast and shot it at Pariah, making him fly backwards into a building. Maddie turned around and saw me.

"Why aren't you using the specialized guns?!!!?" I practically yelled.

"They aren't working on him! He's too strong!!" She cried.

I was about to answer, but was blasted in the back with an ectoblast, making me fly face forward into the ground.

I noticed the towns people were in a giant shield. Pariah and I were the only ones outside of it.

I finally noticed that Danny, in Phantom form, was in front of the crowd holding up a shield. I could see he had gained enough of his strength back to hold that shield up for about around 2 hours at the least.

I turned toward Pariah, spitting blood and ectoplasm in front of me.

"Your the prophecy ghost. I expected more of a challenge." Pariah chuckled darkly.

"You'd be surprised at how much in learned over my years." I laughed quietly, making my scythe necklace into a real scythe, twirling it in between my gloved fingers.

"I will kill ALL OF YOU!!" He boomed, sending a electric bolts my way. I jumped up, and duplicated myself behind him.

While I was dodging his blast, my duplicate created a shock wave along with a blue orb of ectoplasm, a ghost stinger, coated with fire and ice.

Right as my duplicate was going to throw it, I yelled out to Danny.

"THROW IT NOW, DANNY, THROW. IT. NOWWWW!!!!!!!" I screamed.

@@Danny POV@@

"THROW IT NOW, DANNY, THROW. IT. NOWWWW!!!!!!!" Fright screamed.

What was she talking about? Then images flashed through my mind. As quick as they were there, they were gone.

The orb.

I reached into my pocket of my HAZMAT suit, and let go of the shield for a second to throw the ball at Pariah.

I closed the shield right after, and Fright finished what someone had started.

@@Kristin POV@@

I saw the orb coming at Pariah, and I quickly threw my duplicate's orb so they could make contact. As soon as the orb left my duplicate's hand, my duplicate disappeared.

I flew upwards, and yelled out a ghostly wail towards the orbs and Pariah as soon as the glowing orbs made contact, exploding into a bright light.

I couldn't see a thing because the light was so bright, but I continued to scream.

My lungs were burning, My throat was sore, dry, and scratchy, but I couldn't stop.

I knew that by the end of this, I wouldn't be able to keep my ghost form, my energy would be gone for a while too.

I couldn't worry about my secret now though because lives were at stake.

Everyone I loved was at stake.

I could take that stake and stab it right through Pariah's black heart.

The light was diminishing, and I could see Pariah was fading into nothingness, in other words, he was fading out of existence.

His body turned to mist, the mist floated there for a couple of seconds before dropping to the ground and vanishing like a fog.

He was gone.

For good.

My floating body gave away, and I dropped to the ground.

My vision was blurry, but I could see people running toward me, yelling, but the yelling turned into distant shouts, then whispers, then........nothing.

@@Danny POV@@

I dropped the shield and people ran towards her, yelling, screaming.

Mom pushed forward through the crowd around Fright. Fright eyes were only slightly open, she would pass out any second now.

"Don't faint, Kristin! You can't faint! Your secret will be out! Mom yelled, but whispered the last part.

"I'm sorry." Fright whispered then she fainted.

A bright ring appeared at her waist, but mom threw herself over Fright's unconscious body, covering her.

I knew what that ring meant. I've experienced it to many times before. Fright wasn't dead. She was a Halfa.

And everyone was going to know.

Kristin FrightWhere stories live. Discover now