╠64╣ [ARES]

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Azura sat beside her mother, curtis and Cassius were standing beside azura, lante and vitor were standing beside the leopard queen and Damien was with the leopard king as they both were discussing something as they stood in the middle of the battle grounds .

The crowd was cheering and excited to watch the duel . Many beastmen had taken part in it .

" Darling, I see you got another male ? "
Leopard queen asked as she looked over to Cassius who stood beside Curtis.

" I'm glad that you took my advice "
She said happily .

" yes "
Azura said smiling at her mother. Her mother was a crying mess when she heard about what happened.

" but I'm glad that you're fine "
Lante said and vitor nodded .

" when did you come back curits ?"
Victor asked crutis .

" just yesterday! "
Curtis said and they all talked about random things for a while .

The leopard king then made an announcement .

" I'm glad to see you all here today, I can see that you guys are enjoying yourselves and are really excited for the duel ! "
Leopard king said and the crowd replied enthusiastically.

" also , the rules are the same , you can do anything you want with your opponent except for killing them . And the winner gets to court any female that he wants "
Leopard king said and the crowd cheered loudly .

Everyone seemed excited and happy about this .

The thing was , the one who wins at the last is always going to be the strongest male and that's what the females here come for .

And if not the winner , there are many other strong beastmen here too . So , this competition was always a win win thing.

" now , the fights shall start "
And with that leopard king got to his seat and Damien came back to where leopard queen and azura were seated .

" my child , how have you been ? "
Damien asked as he stood near them . Even he was a crying mess with the leopard queen when he got to know about it , everyone had a really hard time calming them down , Damien was really angry when he got to know about the fact that azura was alone but after explaining all those circumstances , his anger gradually subsided.

Azura's gaze was fix on the crowd , she felt like someone was looking at her , those golden orbs shined brighter than the sun , but suddenly she lost the sight of that person , they were covered with a black cloak and only their eyes could be seen , it's as if that person just vanished into thin air .

" azura ? "
Leopard queen and curtis said in unison .

" huh ? Yes "
Azura snapped out of her thoughts and looked at them .

" Damien has been calling you for sometime now "
Leopard king  said .

" ah I'm sorry , I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear you "
Azura apologized and said.

" no , it's fine . I just asked if you were okay now "
Damien said smiling.

" ah , yes I'm totally fine ! "
Azura said as she smiled back and Damien patted her head .

Hmm .

" Darling , the duel is about to start "
Cassius said and all the attention was shifted go the battle grounds.

The crowd was cheering like crazy .

Curtis's eyes fell on the crowd where he noticed one black haired man staring where they were standing ,a wolf beastman , it was obvious who was he staring at . For a split second , Curtis's eyes meet that man's, that man looks away.

" did you see that ? "
Curtis asked .

" yea I did "
Cassius said nodding .

" Let's see how it ends "
Cassius said and curtis nodded.

The host for the duel tonight walked in and said ,
" Ok , so the first fight is going to be between, arlo and ares "
And he left after announcing.

Azura's eyes fell on the battle grounds, just what was the point of thus fight .

The man called arlo was a three striped beast and ares was a tetramarked beast , the outcome of the battle was obvious.

" this isn't fair is it? "
Azura asked as she looked at Curtis and Cassius.

" it doesn't matter ,that's how the things work in such fights Darling "
Cassius said and curtis nodded .

" true , this will go on until they reach the finale where the two finalists fight "
Curtis said and azura nodded .

Their attention was shifted back to the battle grounds as they saw ares beating the shit out of arlo but it seemed like he was still holding back of course because of the gap in their power levels , ares didn't plan on flexing or flaunting anything right now .

" now it's time for our finalists to fight ! Aren't ya'll excited "
The host said.

It had been more than three hours since the duel had started , it was boring to watch at some point mainly because there were many cases of a three striped beastman fighting a tetramarked, there were three tetramarked beasts in the duel , one of them was ares , other was Luca and the last one being Liam . Sadly Liam couldn't make it to the finals as he and Luca had a fight. So the finalists were ares a wolf beastman and Luca a tiger beastman.

Finally the event was nearing its end or so it seemed .

" it's finally time for Ares vs Luca ! "

And the Crowds loud cheers were litreally annoying the hell out of azura . Too much loud noise, she should've stayed with ryo . There was no need for her to be so productive at all .

But she didn't regret coming here though .

And with that the fight between those two began , azura looked over to find both Cassius and curtis hooked to it.

Was she the only one who felt like going home ?

She again shifted her attention to the fight .

𝘏𝘌𝘙 𝘉𝘌𝘈𝘚𝘛 𝘔𝘈𝘛𝘌𝘚حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن