Chapter 7 - Journey

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure?" Naomi said.

"If course! Just wait." Ganal landed Yigu in the forest next to the western air temple.

They got off and started waking until 2 girls shot out of the trees. One holding a spear and one holding duel swords.

The girls chi blocked Ganal and Omni. They both fell to the ground unable to bend.

"What the heck.." Omni looked over to see Naomi holding off pretty well with her earthbending but soon enough she was chi blocked too.

Naomi fell to the ground.
"What do you want from us?!" Omni yelled.

They didn't say anything. They all got put in sacks. And got dragged for what felt like miles.

They got dumped out on the wooden floors of some type of hut.

A tall lady that looked like she was in her early twenties stood in front of them. "You are under the control of the Western wind resistance!" The two girls that looked about the same age just much shorter stepped up beside her.

"Pfft.. that's your entire resistance?" Omni raised an eyebrow.

Ganal tried to move his arm but remembered they were tied behind their backs.

"A resistance can be any size. From hundreds of people to just one person fighting against what they think is right." She leaned over.

"Plus this isn't our entire resistance. The rest are out doing stuff." the girl with the spear snapped her fingers.

"Who are you? Are you spy's for the NCS?" The one with duel swords questioned.

"No! We're a resistance fighting against them. You're completely in the wrong!" Naomi said.

"Really? Prove it." The girl in the middle said.

Omni thought.
Got it!

"Untie me I'll show you." Omni said.

"Hold her down so she can't run."

The 2 girls nodded and held Omni down.
Omni reached into her pocket and pulled out the necklace Yei Lu gave her.

"This was crafted and gifted to me by Yei Lu of the southern air temple. If that isn't solid proof I don't know what is."

She examined the necklace.

"My name is Leyu."  She introduced herself.
The three girls bowed.

"It is our honor to help anyone fighting against Avatar Chen."

"My name is Mi. (19) " The girl with short hair and duel swords bowed.

"I'm Meng. (19)" The one with the spear and long hair said loudly. She had a bit of a scratch to her voice.

"Leyu!" Leyu (23) turned around to 2 more people coming through the door the boy in front  looked about Omnis age with messy brown hair, goggles on the top of his head and ash all over his face.

"We burned down a NCS camp that they put at the western edge of the forest near the fire nation. It was so cool!" He said.

"I thought you guys were at camp?" Leyu raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, Banai found it while we were setting traps around the forest." A older boy with black hair tied into a small bun and 3 throwing hatchets attached to his waist said.

"This is Banai and Filo.Banai (13) is the short one and Filo (20) is the tall depressed one.

Omni noticed Banai staring at her. When she looked at him back he just looked away quickly.


"So can you let us out now?" Ganal said slightly frustrated.

"Let our guests go." She said to Meng and Mi.

"I thought we were gonna kill someone today but guess not.." Meng sighed.

Mi elbowed Meng.

They untied them.
"Don't tell anyone." Leyu said.

The three bowed and walked. "That was really weird." Ganal stared off into space.

"Let's just get to the western air temple as soon as we can." Naomi said. The 3 walked back to Yigu who thankfully didn't fly off. They all climbed on him.

They were about to take off but Omni stopped them.
"Wait." She slid down onto Yigus neck and turned to Ganal.

"Can I fly him." She asked.

"Uh... do you need help?" He climbed onto the saddle.

"No, just let me try." Omni grabbed the reins.

"Yip yip!"
Yigu flew into the air.
"I'm doing it!" Omni yelled.

"You're doing great!" Naomi said.

"I know she's doing good but I'm kind of scared." Ganal whispered to Naomi.

"Just enjoy it. She's learning something new." Naomi smiled.

Ganal sighed.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is really long because I wanted to add as much info about the western wind resistance as possible because I was really excited to design the new characters and the resistance! Btw I might only post once or twice every week. Have a good day!

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