Jealousy, jealousy

Start from the beginning

"But this is my quest," Annabeth said. "I need to lead it."

Chiron looked uncomfortable. "My dear, it is your quest. But you need help."

"And this is supposed to help? Please! It's wrong. It's cowardly. It's—"

"Hard to admit we need a mortal's help," Percy said. "But it's true?"

Annabeth glared at him. "You are the single most annoying person I have ever met!" And she stormed out of the room.

Lilia stared at the doorway, then back at Percy.

"Come on Lili, you have to agree with me." He pleaded.

She thought about it, a cold look in her eyes. "Hey, why not, might get yourself a girlfriend in the process." Lilia rolled her eyes before getting up to follow Annabeth.

Percy huffed sinking into his chair as the girl left.

Lilia left the big house angry. She made her way across camp mindlessly pulling at the loose strings on her skirt, when she walked right into someone.

"Woahh," a voice said startled. "Oh hey Lil, why do you look like you want to kill someone?"

She looked up to see Connor Stoll, behind him were the rest of her friends.

She sat down with a huff and lay her head in Celia's lap.

"Percy is such an ass." She mumbled.

"Oh, not you to." Travis laughed. Lilia looked up to see Annabeth glaring at the side of his face intensely.

"Shut it, Travis." Annabeth grumbled.

"So tell me again why it's such a big deal for this girl to help you guys?" Connor asked.

"Because this is my quest, and she's mortal." Annabeth's said flailing her arms around.

"Okay, why is Lili so mad? It's not her quest." Travis smirked.

"Because she likes Percy." Connor said mockingly.

Lilia sat up and punched his arm, he laughed pulling away from her.

"I do not like Percy." She grumbled.

"Not right now you don't," Annabeth said, seemingly forgetting her own anger. "You seemed to like him a lot in the forge."

They all turned to look at Lilia, eyes wide. She sat glaring at Annabeth, her cheeks turning bright red.

"What happened in the forge?" Celia said grinning at Lilia, who just shook her head.

"She kissed him!" Annabeth blurted out.

Celia, Travis and Connor all gasped dramatically, as though they'd rehearsed this very moment.

"All of you can shut up." She hissed, her cheeks becoming even more red.

"I can't believe you finally kissed him." Celia squealed.

"It's not a big deal," she mumbled. "Besides it's not going to happen again thanks to this Rachel girl."

"So you do like him." Travis mocked.

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