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❝Every time a new Targaryen is born,
the gods toss the coin in the air and
the world holds its breath to see
how it will land.❞

That was a saying that remained true for all Targaryen births, but none more accurate than with the children of King Aerys II and Queen Rhaella Targaryen.

Their first child, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, was born in the year 259 AC, during the tragedy of Summerhall, among the flames that took the lives of his great grandsire, King Aegon V, and grandsire's brother, Prince Duncan Targaryen.

And their second child, Princess Aemma Targaryen, was born in the year 264 AC, after a strange green fire that claimed the life of her sick grandsire, King Jaehaerys II, who had been in the catacombs of Dragonstone paying his respects to their deceased family, bringing with her a harsh winter.

However, Winter was not the only thing that the Winter Princess brought with her when she entered the Seven Kingdoms. When searching for the cause of the strange green fire and burying the charred remains of King Jaehaerys II, a stone dragon egg was found among the Valyrian statues.

An egg that Prince Aerys II, who was waiting for his return to King's Landing to be crowned, wanted to bestow on his eldest child, Prince Rhaegar, who was but 5 years of age. It didn't happen, however, due to Princess Rhaella's wise offer, that the Prince that was Promised would come from Rhaegar's line, and dragons would return with Aemma.

The Prince had not liked that his wife was standing in the way of his will, but could not deny the fact that the egg was only found during the birth of his daughter, for in his eyes it was a sign from the Fourteen Gods that their House would return to their former glory.

So the egg was brought from Dragonstone to King's Landing and placed in the newborn Princess's cradle. At the time Rhaegar, could not understand why his sister had an egg-shaped rock in her cradle, thinking it to be dumb for his sister was much too young to play pretend with the rock. 

Weeks turned into months and by the time the Princess was 1 year of age, the eggs had yet to hatch, something that angered the now King, Aerys II. After beating his wife into miscarrying the life inside of her, Aerys stormed into his sleeping daughter's room and ripped the egg from his daughter's sleeping figure.

Which resulted in the Princess getting a cut on her cheek, a cut on her lower left ribcage, a long gash on her right forearm, and one on her right inner thigh as she'd been clinging to the stone egg. The Princess's blood spilled onto the stone egg, which Aemma would claim until later in her childhood was as hot as the summer sun, and while the Princess was given to her Septas to mend the cuts, King Aerys sent the egg back to Dragonstone, to be thrown into the sleeping Volcano.

The mention of the stone egg was forbidden per decree of the King, who did not want anyone who didn't directly serve him to know of the stone egg's existence, even if it had been thrown into the Volcano

From the moment that either Rhaegar or Aemma could walk and talk, their personalities were evident.

Rhaegar preferred to spend his time reading obsessively, to the point that jests were made about his habits. He became a noted warrior later in life, although he did not initially seem inclined to martial habits. However, apparently, by something he had read, Rhaegar became motivated to become a warrior.

And Aemma, spent the first 5 years of her life, attempting to escape her Septas and watching the Kingsguard train, attempting to join them from the moment she turned 6 years of age. Sneakily grabbing kitchen knives and daggers and copying the Kingsguard's movements from afar.

Aerys had not been pleased with his children, he had wanted a son who was a warrior and a dutiful daughter, not the other way around, and despite his descent into madness, he couldn't ignore the whispers that his daughter could have the spirit of Queen Visenya within her for her love for battle, and that his son had the passion for music and poetry that rivaled Queen Rhaenys's.

And thus, unless it was happening directly in front of his eyes, King Aerys preferred to pretend that he didn't know that his daughter dressed in men's clothes and trained with the Kingsguard while pressuring his son to also learn how to fight, claiming it to be an heir's duty.

12 years after the birth of the Princess, Prince Viserys Targaryen was born, early in the year 276 AC, a babe who was kept from his mother by his father, who had claimed that Rhaella was murdering his heirs, until he was but a year of age, a child that from the moment he could walk, clung to his sister's skirts, only leaving her to return to his mother's arms.

And thus by the year of 278 AC, the House of the Dragon had 3 heads as heirs, much like the sigil of their House.

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