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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

17 days after the ninth moon of 283 began, the marriage between Princess Aemma Targaryen and King Robert Baratheon happened, in the Sept of Baelor surrounded by Baratheon, Arryn and Lannister members of the Court.

The marriage was not the only even to take place that day, the official coronation also did.

Aemma sat next to her new husband at the wedding table, her white dress clinging onto her upper body, her fingers fidgetting with her rings, the yellow and black cloak on her shoulders feeling heavier than it actually was.

Robert paid Aemma no mind as he drank and joked with his father-figure, Jon Arryn, smacking the asses of maids who passed by him. Aemma was disguted with the whole situation, but with not knowing the state in which her mother and brother were, she knew that Rhaenys only had her to protect her, and Aemma vowed to protect Rhaenys until the day she died.

"My Queen." Tywin greeted as he bowed before the table that Aemma was sitting at, bringing her eyes to him and away from the King.

"Lord Tywin." Aemma greeted in a curt tone, showing that she was not pleased with him, her lavender eyes locked on his figure and for a moment Tywin felt as if he was standing before the Mad King once more.

"Congratulations on your marriage and coronation." Tywin started, watching as Aemma scowled at him, Tywin knew that Aemma was displeased with the situation. It was impossible not to be, she was being forced to become the wife of someone she wanted dead, and all due to the love she bore her niece.

"Thank you Lord Tywin, I couldn't have done it without you." Aemma mocked, bringing her own goblet of wine to her lips, her lavender eyes rolling before she scanned the hall.

Rhaenys had been taken to bed as soon as she finished dining, being too young to stay awake until the party came to an end.

"I have a wedding gift for you, your Grace." Tywin stated, watching as Aemma narrowed suspiciously. Tywin couldn't fault her, his betrayal to House Targaryen had been significant, it had been his betrayal that led to the deaths of Elia and Aegon, Tywin knew that Aemma had no love lost towards her father, but he also knew that she adored Elia like her blood and adored her nephew even more.

Without saying a word, Tywin moved the side, allowing Aemma to see Cersei approaching slowly, doning a Lannister red dress that quite literally stole Aemma's breath. Tywin had grown suspicious of the closeness that his daughter had with the then Princess, now Queen, but during the moons apart, Tywin had noticed that his daughter was in a constant sour mood, worse than when she was away from Jaime.

As Cersei smiled at her closest friend, Aemma stood from her seat and rushed to her, throwing her arms over her shoulders, hugging her with so much emotion that anyone watching had to avert their eyes.

"You're here, you're back." Aemma breathed in relief, thankful that she hadn't lost her as well due to Tywin's betrayal. Her breath fanned Cersei's ear in a way that brought back memories of how they used to spend many of their nights at Harrenhal, at Dragonstone, in the Keep.

Cersei forced the images out of her mind, as she clung to her closest friend, relishing her touch, her warmth. The time they'd spent apart had been undoubtedly painful for both.

"It would mean a great deal to House Lannister if you took Cersei as your Lady-in-waiting once more, your Grace." Tywin voiced, prompting the lovers to pull away and hold each other by their arms.

Tywin knew that it didn't matter if Aemma disliked him, if she hated him even, he knew that the girls before him would do anything to stick together, through fire and ice, through sun or storm. He knew the answer without needing it spoken, he could read it in his new Queen's face.

Unnoticed by the trio, but not by the guest, Robert stumbled back to the table that he'd been sharing with his new wife, grabbed his cup and tapped it harshly with his knife, to get everyone's attention. 

"I would like to make a toast." he boomed, "To the dutiful Queen Aemma Baratheon, my wife. May the gods bless us with a bountiful family, with plenty of heirs."

Despite the fact that those who were present supported Robert, whispers floated the hall as Robert publically announced that Aemma was not to be known as a Targaryen henceforth, but as a Baratheon. At her husband's words, Aemma went frigid, and even Cersei tensed, they both knew that Aemma had to do her duty, but they knew that Aemma would despise every second of it.

 It wasn't long after the King's toast that the bedding ceremony took place, an odd one at that as the bride and groom were not alone in their marital chambers. As a way to further besmirch Aemma's reputation and to further break her resolve, Robert had planned for the consumation to be watched by the members of Kingsguard, Jon Arryn, who'd been named Hand of the King, Tywin Lannister, Grand Maester Pycelle and any other Lord that supported him and attended the wedding.

Thankfully there were no young and impresionable Ladies in attendance, as they would've surely been traumatized with the King's rough taking of his new bride, taking her like a hound takes a bitch, ignoring her complaints of pain and discomfort while drunkenly switching by calling her Lyanna and a whore.

Away from King's Landing, in the Crownlands, the volcano known as Dragonmount, that had been inactive since the last of the dragons had perished burst into activity with a mounstrous alarm, not giving anyone in the vicinity any time to run away before the lava burst from the top and began to run down the slopes of the volcano.

Many knew saw the volcano erupting knew it  was a sign, a sign of change, a sign of rebirth, a sign of magic, a sign of dragons.

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Zaldrīzes Dohaeris (s.u.)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें