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Prince Rhaegar was knighted at the age of seven and ten, in the Summer of 276 AC, with his siblings, two and ten years of age and mere months, present and cheering, royally, for him. Growing into a skilled and capable fighter, the prince always distinguished himself well at Tourneys, although he seldom entered the lists. It was rumored that the Prince had only grown a passion for training because of a book that he'd read, but no one could say for sure.

Rhaegar's squires were Myles Morton and Richard Lonmouth, and after he knighted them they remained close companions. Jon Connington, whom he had squired with, was a good friend to Rhaegar as well, though Rhaegar's closest and oldest friend, however, was Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, trusting him more than Ser Barristan Selmy.

The first time Cersei and Jaime Lannister met the Royal Family was during the tournament in honor of Viserys's birth, in Lannisport, in 276 AC.

Princess Aemma marveled at the construction of the Lannister Keep, unable to lift her jaw from the floor, as she and her brother were guided around the Keep by the Lannister twins. While Jaime had been the one to explain the story of Casterly Rock and House Lannister, Cersei couldn't help but stare at the Targaryen siblings, marveling at their Valyrian beauty.

For the first time since they were young, 10-year-old Cersei Lannister, paid little attention to her twin brother while the Targaryen were staying with them, something that shocked her family, as they were used to the fact that the twins were always by each other's sides. 

It was also during this time that when drawing with her guest, Cersei drew herself on dragon back with the Princess Aemma and her brother on dragon back with the Prince Rhaegar, while the Princess Aemma attempted to draw an accurate lion, using the Lannister sigil and books to aid her.

Aemma spent all of her time in Casterly Rock with Lady Cersei, who in return would gush to her brother and Septas that the Princess was spending time with her. Rhaegar spent much of his free time training for the tourney, per his father's ruling.

As the tourney progressed and the events took place, Aemma and Cersei sat side by side, clutching each other's hands as more and more participants lost, both brutally or with minimal injuries. 

It had been the first tourney that either had witnessed.

When the joust was happening, perhaps the most difficult for them to watch, due to Prince Rhaegar fighting, and despite winning every round of the joust he was in, Aemma felt faint each time she saw her brother on the saddle, knowing that he didn't care for tourney or wars.

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