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The eighth moon of 283 AC was the most emotionally charged moon since the beginning of the rebellion against the Targaryen family, and it started but 10 days into the moon, with the devastating Battle of the Trident.

The battle took place at the crossing of the Trident as Rhaegar tried to cross the river. Robert Baratheon used his booming voice to command during the fighting. The Dornishmen, under the command of Prince Lewyn Martell, threatened Robert's left flank. Ser Lyn Corbray, picking up his wounded father's sword, Lady Forlorn, led a charge and broke the Dornishmen. During the charge Lyn killed the already-injured Lewyn.

Elsewhere during the battle, Ser Barristan Selmy killed several men, and Lord Jason Mallister slew three of Rhaegar Targaryen's bannermen. Though many great lords and knights either lost their lives or made names for themselves in the fighting, the battle was decided when Robert and Rhaegar met in single combat on horseback in the stream. 

Robert eventually crushed Rhaegar's chest with a blow of his warhammer, the blow was so hard that the rubies adorning Rhaegar's armor were shattered free to litter the river.

Leaderless, the royal army broke and fled back to King's Landing. Ser Barristan was close to death when he was brought before Robert, and although he was counseled to kill him by Lord Roose Bolton, Robert spared Barristan's life and sent his own maester to tend to his wounds.

Lord Wyman Manderly granted the Wolf's Den to Ser Bartimus as a reward for saving his life during the battle. Both sons of Mors "Crowfood" Umber were killed at the Trident.

When the news of the Royalist defeat at the Trident, along with the news of Prince Rhaegar's death, reached King's Landing two days after it had happened, Queen Rhaella wept as she held her remaining son close to her body.

As a last resort, King Aerys sent his wife and son to Dragonstone, attempting to ensure their safety, knowing fully well that the rebellion would knock down the doors of the Red Keep soon enough. While he did send his wife and youngest child away, Aerys kept his good-daughter and grandchildren in the Keep to ensure that the Dornish would not switch sides and join the rebellion as it was clear now who the Gods favoured.

Despite wanting to stay with her Princess, so that Elia and the children weren't left alone with the Mad King, Ashara was ordered to ride for Starfall with her son by Elia, who assured her that they would see each other again soon.

It was 4 days after the Battle of the Trident that news of Rhaegar's death reached the Citadel, a raven having been sent by Elia the day they got the news themselves.

"Princess, a raven has arrived from King's Landing." one of the Septas informed as she entered the classroom chambers in which Princess Aemma was learning the ways of the Septas as an inniciate.

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