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comment if you are a real one

"Always a smooth one, aren't you?"

There was a smile on Y/n's face as he leaned against the Prince, looking contentedly at him. His brain ached to imprint any detail; every contour of Aristidis's face into his memory; from his glossy midnight hair; down to his dark eyes, that resembled the ocean.

"I have been taught to be eloquent since young," Aristidis said smoothly, "it seems this is the only time it really serves a purpose."

"You've been taught to do literally everything, I assume."

"Correct," The Prince confirmed, gently tracing Y/n's face—"I can't describe to you how stuffy it was. Posture learning lessons—how to speak—the art of dancing etiquette..the list goes on."

"No wonder you're so popular with both the ladies and men."

"Am I?" Aristidis raised an eyebrow, "Last I heard, they fear me. You're the only one to...treat me like a person, I suppose."

"Care to explain more, Your Highness?"

Now Y/n was genuinely curious.

"You treat a person," Aristidis sighed softly, "not someone who bears the crown. You know me so well—sometimes I really wonder; how is it possible I have gotten so fortunate, with you by my side?'s refreshing. Everyone I've been forced with to talk to so far with my overbearing advisors; they giggle and laugh, but their words lack any meaning. They are just there to seek marriage. They have no substance."

"Well, you are a person, aren't you?" Y/n teased, playfully poking Aristidis's side, "it's only natural I'll treat you like one. It's's the bare minimum, Your Highness—everyone..should be treated like a person."

"You are the first."

"I won't be the last," Y/n said gently, "there's plenty of people—people you just haven't met yet..or perhaps even my sister—that will be more than willing to befriend you."

Y/n could see how Aristidis tensed up at that. He didn't seem to entertain or enjoy the idea of anyone coming close to him. It seemed as if Y/n had successfully broken the wall he had built; yet after Y/n was safely inside, Aristidis had yet again—and more firmly—built another one.

They stayed in each other's embrace for a moment, enjoying the comfort of each other's presence. Aristidis eventually leaned back, his eyes meeting Y/n's once more, his expression tender.

"I thought the two of you were in a fight," He whispered at last, "you..and your sister. I assumed—I thought you two were close."

Y/n fidgeted. Were they? Could they be considered close? Y/n had unjustly taken out his anger and his frustration on her. However, Y/n was simply a replacement. Yet he had grown to genuinely care about her.

Y/n's gaze softened as he looked into Aristidis's eyes. "We've had our differences, that's for sure," he admitted. "But deep down, I know she cares about me, just as I care about her. We might argue and disagree, but that doesn't mean we don' each other. I—I try my best to keep her safe, but sometimes..."

Y/n swallowed.

"Sometimes I fail, I suppose."

Was this what it was? The cause of his frustration? Knowing that Angelina..would have to suffer everything practically laid in front of her? But did it also stem from him feeling so upset because he had to suffer whatever she initially was supposed to?

"You're too unselfish," Aristidis murmured, "truly, I could never.—well, unless it involved you, u would be willing to be as selfless as possible."

Y/n smiled, giving a small chuckle. "Of course, you are only an only child. Angelina and I might...bicker, but I think we will soon patch things up."

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