"We just talked about Y/N. You know him?"

"Y/N? Big fan! That guy can dance waaaay better than me despite of him being a janitor. He's a talented dancer who deserves a recognition. Can you imagine enjoying hard footwork after cleaning the whole HYBE floor? That's something." She said.

"Oh, you met him."

"I haven't talked to him yet. But still, Jisun sunbaenim scolded him for his odour. It is unfortunate since he has good hygiene, but the odour was from his DNA. Sakura told me that. Plus, it happened because he worked too hard and got all sweaty." Sierra said.

"That's not nice. I mean, even if she doesn't know, she shouldn't do that because of it. The guy was sweating isn't he?" Mary said after getting a bit annoyed.

"Anyway, I sensed a bad feeling about what is going to happen to him tonight." Sierra said. "It's a bad thing. Literally. It would cost his life." She stated.

"It's not like he's going to get shot, right?" I replied.

"Actually, that is what going to happen to him. And you'll be surprised who's gonna shoot him." Sierra answered. Did I just jinxed again?

I snapped my fingers as a small ruby pendant with a shape of nine tailed fox appeared in my left hand. "There he goes." I said after looking at Y/N got slapped by his date.

"Mammamia, what is wrong with her?" Sierra said as she was shocked. "Can I give her a slap please? I wanna knock the sense out of her." Mary said.

"Mary, calm down. I never seen you angry like this." I said as she turned to me. "Well, my Birmingham blood flowing in my bloody veins right now." As she said Birmingham in the Posh accent. Her tails were swinging, expressing her anger.

I could see this guy Y/N walked away from that woman as she just left him alone. "You know, maybe he can be a good candidate to get us out from this curse we get. A guy like that would probably accept everyone he met and that's fine by me." I heard another voice said.

"Did you get your order, Sakura?" Sierra asked as the Japanese shook her head. "The curse of our past life is just.... I don't know what to say anymore." She just shrugged.

"The seller pretended to say she ran out of her stock of the drink you wanna buy again?" Mary asked, guessing on what happened to Sakura. The girl just sadly nodded. "Can anyone be nicer to us?" She added.

"Well, maybe we should approach that poor guy as the first step to get the first human to accept us. The only reason we got accepted as trainees because there was no one left for the agency to scout except us who got interested to be recruited. So that will not be counted as the first human to accept us fully." Sierra said, recalled how we became trainees on the first day.

"It just keeps getting worse, HYBE acquired our agency because of the potential profit that we will gain in the future. Now, even with our fox races popularity gained as some became celebrities, we just keep getting mistreated because, you know." I said as I agreed with Sierra.

"Can't relate. I'm not a trainee." Mary said. "Then why are you here?" I asked her. "Because I like it here. I don't wanna go back to Birmingham. Any kids who wanna go there just because they're Thomas Shelby wannabes didn't not experienced how harsh the atmosphere is in there. Lots of crimes could be seen and I'm not gonna go back." Mary said, shook her head and took another sip.

"That boy's coming here." Sakura said as she saw Y/N was going to pass us. "Hey cutie!" Sierra shouted while the guy just walked by us as if he didn't hear anything. "Y/N!!" Sakura shouted as he turned around to see us.

"Come here!! We know who you are." Mary said as he just step towards us. I felt something in him that made me sad when I watch him getting closer. He seems like in pain but he was good at hiding it.

Zero*One: Unholy*Quinity Where stories live. Discover now