Chapter 1

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As he had directed, I gripped the door knob and declared the entire home open. He held unto my hand as we walked inside our new home.
He asked me, "What do you think about this?"
I couldn't find the right words to convey what I saw.
I said, stroking the glass dining table with my bare fingers, "It's lovely!" Everything exuded luxury, the kind of splendour I had only ever imagined owning. Above us, from the great white ceiling, hung three enormous chandeliers.

For a moment, I felt as though I was in an antique museum because the walls were also white and devoid of any frames containing mementos. However, there were a few little artefacts that were well entrenched in the wall. Glancing around, I saw the lengthy staircase leading to the building's first floor. 

I screamed, trying to find out how far my voice could go. At that moment, it appeared like we were the only ones at home.

Daniel grinned at his lovely bride as he cradled my face in his hands.
"I will stop at nothing to ensure your happiness," he said, leaning in to give me a gentle peck on the lips. It was a gentle kiss that chilled my back muscles.  He put his hands around my waist and held me close while I lay with my face on his chest, and I felt my soul sparkle intensely.

"I have one more surprise in store for you," he added, taking my hand and guiding me to the back door through the  kitchen.

He led me out to the large carport behind the house and down to the sidewalk.
He pointed to a black automobile and said, "You see that over there? It's yours, babe." I rolled my eyes in shock and gave my husband a strong hug at the same time. It was a Mercedes Benz in my favorite colour, it was the 2025 model that wasn't even officially in the market yet but he managed to secure it for me.

He asked "do you like it?"
"I don't just like it, babe, I'm in love with it."
Since I couldn't drive, I raced to the car and opened it, only to sit inside and embrace in the interior.

Daniel's POV

I witnessed the feeling of satisfaction that accompanied giving my spouse the car of her dreams.  I was willing to offer her all she could possibly want since I truly loved her.
I realised she just wanted to spend the entire day in the car, so I said, "Baby, I think we should go inside and freshen up."
With the smile that made me fall in love, she approached me and planted a kiss on my lip. It took a few more minutes to get my  fingers imprinted in her bare skin because it was that passionate.
She murmured into my ear, "Baby, I think we should take this to our bedroom."All I wanted was for her to know how embarrassed I felt right then.

"Daniel, I must admit that I'm not at all fond of this notion!" She complained, "So you are going to leave me all by myself in this huge house?"
I understood Aurora completely, but she needed to realise that becoming the new CEO came with responsibilities. I had a tonne of papers to go through and deadlines to fulfil. For reasons I don't know about, my older brother, who could have been of tremendous assistance to me, appeared disinterested in the family business.
"I'll compensate you for it. I told her, "I swear, after I'm through with everything, we can travel anywhere in the world you want to go."

Thought I might soothe my wife's rage when I took her hand and gave her a gentle kiss, but I was unable to.
"I'm heading to the kitchen to get us some food," she declared.
I took a firmer hold on her hand, causing her to resist.
"Daniel, let me go." she growled.
I exhaled in an attempt to ease the tension that had developed between us. "No, I'm not."
I grinned broadly and said, "And on top of that, I'm not hungry."
I planted a gentle kiss on her lips, causing  her to calm down.

When I woke up, my husband had left me a pack of takeaway food and a message on the side of my head. He was departing without waking me since he had an urgent meeting.

When I opened the dish, my favourite veggie noodles were inside. I couldn't help but devour the dinner in a matter of seconds due to the delightful aroma that went with it.

I abruptly received a call after finishing my dinner, which I answered.
"Baby, I miss you. In a quiet voice, "When are you coming over to see me?"
"Not right now," I muttered."Remember, I recently got married?" I asked, before hanging up.
It was Noel, who was not only my first and only real love but also my  brother-in-law.

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