Chapter 5

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Darkness was surrounding the entire warehouse. There was not even an ounce of light inside. Three men were chained. Yes, they are the men who kidnapped Hiro's son.

« Sorry, sorry, please leave us ! » The kidnappers pleaded. Their faces were covered in blood, sweat, tears, snots. They were miserable.

« Who the fuck sent you to kidnappe my son ? » Hiro asked.

No one answered.

« Fine, beat it. »

Hiro did not show any pity. He was punching them like some feral, murderous beast. His eyes were dark : no shine in them, only darkness.

Hiro went near a table. It was fully covered with multiple weapons. There were baseball bats, knives, brass knuckles and many other weapons. He took the brass knuckles and head toward the beat-up trio.

He placed the brass knuckles and flexed his fist a little.

« You shouldn't have done that. » He stated, looking at them dead in the eyes. « Now face the consequences. »

His voice was very deep and husky. It was frightening : the look in his eyes, the deep frown on his face...

« No, no please spare us, for god sake ! » They cried out of mercy. They were trembling like some dead leaves on the trees.

After that, long hours of beating began. It was already starting to get dark outside. The poor men did not knew since when they were here. For them, it felt like hours, days, or maybe months since they have seen the daylight. They were helpless.

They knew he runs the world biggest Mafia and was the Mafia Boss. But they still did kidnapped his son, M/n. They were blinded by amount of money they would get if they successfully abducted M/n.

Hiro was indeed the perfect description of the Mafia Boss : he was ruthless, heartless, feral, possessive over his loved ones. He would not hesitant a second to kill somebody for the sake of his son.

Some of you may find this toxic, that he is willing to do that, but what can we do. It is not like any of us could stop him. He simply protects his son from potential danger. And if the danger happen, he will do all the possessive to stop it. Even if he had to end someone life. He would do it without regret.

« Fine, let me repeat what I said earlier : who the fucking hell sent you to kidnappe M/n ? »

« It... it was [REDACTED] who send us. » They sniffed, already feeling like nearing the door of the death.

Hiro eyes widened but simultaneously returned to normal.

« Oi, take care of them. » He told them. « I'm going home. »

A bunch of 'yes Boss' resound in the room.

Hiro threw his brass knuckles on the ground and went away.

After some time, Hiro finally arrived home safely.

But what he saw melted his cold heart : his son slightly cuddled up against his big dark blue shark plushy, mouth open with soft snoring sounds coming out of it.

The dad went near his son, trying to not make any sounds. He crouched down. He lovingly caress M/n's head and whispered.

« Please do make me scared like this ever again. » He cried.

« I'm to fucking scared to lose you. »

« Please stay with me, stay with papa. »

Poor Hiro, he was a crying mess. He is so afraid to lose his only source of life, his sunshine, his baby angel.

Recovering from his crying session, he calmed down. He picked up M/n, koala style : one hand behind the head and the other supporting his son's weight.

He put M/n on his bed, covered him with a blanket and went to take a shower to get rid of all the blood splatters.

After one hell of a cold shower, he dried himself. Even with his thirty years, he still was a handsome man. Nice body, nice face, nice hair : he had gotten the whole package. He threw on some comfy sweatpants and went to sleep.

He nuzzled his son's hair, planted some kisses and drifted off in a dreamless sleep.


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