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Skipping to my first game against Gotham.

I know Leah is watching, she said she would.
I kick it all off, I start pretty well, no real chances but their defence is world class so I didn't expect anything less.

It's around the 30 minute mark, I'm one on one with one of their defenders, I pull out all of the tricks I did in training, and it works, I get past her, it's just me and the keeper. I run a bit further forward and shoot, it goes in the top corner.
My first NWSL goal. The first goal of the season, on my debut.
The team all celebrate with me. The game kicks off again and I make some runs, dodging round defenders who can't really touch me right now.
I score another goal before half time. It's 2-0 when we go off for half time. The team are all buzzing around me whilst I just laugh at them all. Haley comes in and makes a change, luckily it's not me going off. I still have so much fire in me.

Second half kicks off, Gotham are pulling out all of the stops, defence has gotten tighter and they are all over me like a rash. I manage it pretty well. Still managing to keep hold of the ball and pass it around them.
It gets to 53 minutes into the game, I go down from a tackle off Kristie Mewis. I get up, feeling a little twinge in my ankle but I keep playing. I'm ready to take this free kick, it's about 30 yards out from the goal, but I know, in my head I can score this.

The play is set, everyone knows I'm going for goal. I step back, take a deep breath. Run up to the ball, strike it so cleanly, I watch it all the way, it goes in the top corner, I turn to our fans and scream with so much joy and excitement.
Rafa grabs my face.
Everyone hugs me.
We are beating Gotham 3-0. This is nuts. No one has beaten them in 23 games. 23 games! I'm running off adrenaline right now, our crowd is going insane, and I know Leah is at home watching. So I look into the camera and blow a kiss.
The game restarts, it ends 5-0. Five fucking nil. Me on the end of each goal. I have no idea how I managed that but I'm so so happy.
Before I can celebrate I'm pulled into an interview.

Lori: wow Maddie. You channeled such great energy through that game. 5 goals on the tally already for this season and we are only one game in. How did it feel out there today?
Maddie: I've heard such great things about Gotham, how hard they are to break down, which showed throughout last season. But I genuinely don't know how that happened today, I'm new here so I just played my usual game and somehow it payed off on the pitch.
Lori: how does it feel, new country, new team, new opponents?
Maddie: like a breath of fresh air, of course I miss home, my fiancée, my dog, my family. But being here, feels right. The girls have been great, making me feel at home, even if I'm here on loan, I know I've got these girls in my life forever.
Lori: 5 goals, 5 different types of goals, is that all you can do?
Maddie: still have many games to go Lori, plus, I haven't scored a penalty yet, so I don't think so.
Lori: that's enough talking, go celebrate what you've just achieved, congratulations.
Maddie: thank you.

I walk off and head back to where the team are. They are talking to fans, laughing and chatting to many of them. The fans go crazy when I walk over.
I sign a few things, take some photos and head to the changing rooms. I check my phone, there are tonnes of videos of the girls celebrating my goals, looks like Leah watched it with all the girls at arsenal.
I FaceTime Leah.

Leah: BABE! Everyone its Mads
Everyone piles towards the camera.
Maddie: hey girls
Beth: you played so fucking good!
Steph: congrats kid.
Leah: I'm so proud of you babe.
Maddie: thanks girls, I miss you all.
Leah: we all miss you too.
Maddie: did you see one of my celebrations?
Leah: I saw them all beautiful, I blew a kiss back to you.
Maddie: I really fucking miss you. I just want to hug and kiss you right now.
Leah: soon my love, soon.
At that moment the rest of the team pile into the changing rooms and surround me, hugging me and tapping my head.
I can hear Leah laughing.
Maddie: babe I'll call you later
Leah: okay love, I love you.
Maddie: I love you too

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