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Maddies POV:
Leah is in the living room, I'm making breakfast. She's been here for like 3 days now, it's nice to spend so much time together, normally we are both so busy but Le is injured at the moment so she's spending a bit of time here which I love.
Maddie: babe?
Leah: yeah?
Maddie: my dads coming today, he's just texted me.
Leah: oh really?
Maddie: yeah he's coming with Gem.
Leah: oh that'll be nice, not seen her in a while.
Maddie: how's the ankle?
Leah: it's okay, do you need me to do anything?
Maddie: no baby you just sit there and look cute.
Leah: that I can do.
A couple hours later after we have eaten there's a knock on my door. Leah goes to open it.
Leah: hey Michael
Michael: hi leah how are you?
He hugs her and they walk in.
Maddie: hi dad, where's Gem?
Michael: she'll be here in a second, she's on the phone to Luca.
I roll my eyes.
Michael: oi I saw that.
Maddie: I don't like him. He's going to hurt her.
Michael: he's trying, not everyone can find their forever person so quickly like you did.
Leah: woahhh forever person? I said 10 years and you're gone.
Maddie: ha ha funny.
Leah kisses my cheek as she walks past to put the kettle on. Gemma walks in a few minutes later.
Gemma: sorry, Luca was being an idiot
I snap a look at her.
Maddie: what did he do?
Gemma: Mads just chill out, I know you don't like him but he's a nice guy.
Maddie: mhm.
Michael: right, what's the plan?
Maddie: well we could go for a walk with Bruno, then get a coffee?
Michael: sounds great, we are here for your game this weekend so I'm going to take you all out for dinner tomorrow night.
Leah: Michael you don-
Michael: ah, it's happening.
He walks off to the bathroom and Gemma starts talking.
Gemma: so what's new with you two?
Leah: not a lot to be honest Gem, I'm injured at the moment so just spending a few days here whilst I can.
Gemma: cute, where is Bruno by the way?
Maddie: he's asleep on our bed, go see him if you want.
Gemma gets up and goes to find Bruno.

Leah looks at me. I wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her.
Leah: what was that for?
Maddie: just for being you. I love you.
Leah: I love you too beautiful.
She leans in and kisses me when my dad walks in.
Michael: right, we going?
Leah: yeah let's go.
We all head out of the house and to the local park. Bruno is running around like a mad man with me. Leah is walking along with my dad and Gemma.
Michael: so how's the ankle?
Leah: it's alright, can't run yet which is a bit crap but it's getting there.
Michael: it takes time Leah, just gotta be patient
Leah: yeah I know, I just miss football.
Michael: you'll be back soon enough
Leah: hopefully.

Leah's POV:
I take a photo of Maddie and Bruno, they are too cute together, I post it on my instagram story. It's too cute not to share with the world.

Leahwilliamsonn: family walks🐶🩵

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Leahwilliamsonn: family walks🐶🩵

Later on Michael and Gemma head to their hotel, Bruno is passed out on the floor and Mads and I are watching a movie.
Maddie: babe?
Leah: yeah?
Maddie: I've had offers from other clubs.
Leah: what?
Maddie: yeah
Leah: where?
Maddie: a couple abroad and some here.
Leah: which clubs?
Maddie: Barcelona, Bayern, Man U, Man City and Chelsea.
Leah: do you want to move clubs?
Maddie: I don't know, I love Aston Villa, but I've been there for 4 years now.
Leah: so you want to move?
Maddie: I think so, I just don't know where.
Leah: no one can make that decision but you babe.
Maddie: I know
Leah: you have to pick the club that's right for you.
Maddie: where do you want me to go?
Leah: baby I can't answer that, I don't want your decision to be based on me.
Maddie: but I want to share my life with you, that's means asking you what you think.
Leah: you know where I'd want you to go.
Maddie: Chelsea?
Leah: you'd be closer to me, we could finally live together, but you'd be arsenals biggest rival.
Maddie: I know.
I look away for a second.
Leah: hey don't look away.
Maddie: what about arsenal?
Leah: what about them?
Maddie: well they made me an offer a few days ago.
Leah: what?!
Maddie: yeah
Leah: why didn't you tell me?
Maddie: because well I don't know, I just didn't think you'd want me at your club around all your friends.
Leah: baby that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I want you around me and my friends, you've met them all, they all love you.
Maddie: we've always had our football lives separate from our personal lives, I just don't want to ruin that.
Leah: that can still happen beautiful
Maddie: can I think about it?
Leah: yeah of course you can.
My heart sinks a little bit. I want her to play football with me so much, I want her around me 24/7, doesn't she want that too?

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