Chapter 13 - Blood

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June 16th - 2018

I just got in the car without thinking.

Mylie is driving, but the smooth and controlled driver that I'm used to is boarding on erratic. I think she's breaking the speed limit. There's a random playlist playing from when her phone connected to the Bluetooth. It sounds like dubstep.

Dewey is beside her in the passenger seat, looking equally as freaked out as I am.

"What do you mean Valery is in danger?" He asks again, his voice harsher, begging for an answer.

Mylie glances in the rear view mirror again, locking eyes with me. The staring doesn't last long before she's glancing at her phone pinned to the dash. She's tracking Valery's location. She's still not answering Dewey, putting us both on edge. Straight to the point.

She's not being straight to the point.

Dewey let's out a frustrated groan and grabs Mylie's arm. "Answer me!" He shouts, clear desperation in his tone.

Mylie looks to him, and I do too. He looks like he's begging her.

She looks back to the road just as quickly, her lips pursing then letting out a sigh. "Thea took her. I think she's going to hurt her."

Matter-a-fact. Finally straight to the point.

What the fuck.

What the fuck.

I want to yell at her, scream that she's wrong, that Thea would never hurt Valery. She would never hurt anyone.

She wouldn't.

All that leaves my lips though is a strangled gasp. Because why would she say that. Why the fuck would Mylie say that.

"What do you mean, she's gonna hurt her?" Dewey stammers, him having stared dumbfounded at Mylie when she had said that. I'm still staring, equally dumbfounded.

And once again, I see the pained look sweep across Mylie's features. But this time it doesn't go away as quickly. "I found evidence that Thea was the one who attacked Jordan two weeks ago as well as evidence of her possessing illicit drugs."


There is no way.

Mylie had to be lying. She had to be lying, right? Thea wouldn't attack me. She couldn't of. It was Mylie that did it, or someone else, or anyone but Thea. And drugs? I've never seen Thea do drugs. She doesn't do drugs.

"They did a sweep of her school locker this morning after I gave them the tip and they found enough to charge her." Mylie adds. "They're searching her house the second they get the warrant."

My mouth feels dry.


Oh my god no.

Dewey doesn't looked shocked enough. My entire body is shaking with disbelief and he's just staring with wide eyes.

Then the horrifying though hits me. If she's telling the truth about this, then that means she's telling the truth about my assault. That Thea assaulted me. She hurt me.

She hurt me.

Tears fill my eyes. My mouth opens and closes like a fish, trying to form words. Instead my lips just shake. "What." I finally croak out, tears clogging my throat.

Mylie swallows and looks into the rear view. I meet her eyes, mine begging for her to be lying to me.

I'm begging you Mylie.

Everything Mylie CrossOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz