Epilogue - The Truth

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May 18th - 2018

I wave goodbye to Mylie over my shoulder, barely looking long enough to see if she waved back or not. My door clicks open as I turn the key and I basically tumble in. It doesn't matter how loud I am though, no one's home anyway.

The door swings shut tightly behind me, and I hear Mylie pulling out of the driveway. There's a goofy grin on my face. She always waits until I'm inside. It's actually quite sweet.

A shadow moves in the dark and my smile fades. Maybe I'm not alone after all.

I squint, but I can't see anything. I reach up for the light switch ahead of me, palming the wall uselessly for a few seconds before the heel of it hits the switch abruptly. Light blooms across the entry hall, and everything is suddenly still. I take in a breath.


Regret fills me the second I acknowledge her. Thea's eyes are upon me, red rimmed and blown out. There's a distant look in them, but also a sharp focus in my direction. In one of her gloved hands is a kitchen knife. The other holds a clear plastic bag.

We stare at each other for a moment before I take a timid step closer. "Thea, what are you doing here?" I ask softly. My eyes dart to the bag. "And what have you-"

My eyes widen as I see a needle nestled within the bag. "Are those dr-"

I can't even get the word out before Thea lunges at me. I let out a startled shout but it is quickly cut off when the knife suddenly plunges into my chest, Thea's height making the blade puncture close to my throat.

Thea releases the knife and it's like I can't stand anymore. I land hard on the ground, my breathing coming out in sharp, wheezing breaths. I feel the warm blood start to trail along my neck as I suddenly feel so much more sober.

I don't see Thea leave, but I hear thudding as she bolts up the stairs.

I trusted you.

Why would you do this? I trusted you.

Why would you do this to me, Thea. Why? I loved you like a sister. You were my family.


Suddenly my front door creaks open.

"Hey Kayla, you forgot your-"

Oh. Oh Mylie.

Oh my god.


"Kayla!" Came Mylie's panicked shout. It was weird hearing it, her tone. She always sounded so sure of everything, like nothing could surprise her.

More blood trails over my neck, my gasping getting louder.

Mylie is suddenly above me, wrapping one of the freshly folded towels from the couch around the knife sticking into my chest. I can barely see her face. Blood oozes from my wound and I let out panicked gasps as she tries to stop the bleeding.

"Hang on, Kayla. Hang on." Mylie mutters, moving one hand to her side quickly before it's back, holding the towel against my chest. She wraps it around the blade again as a woman's voice crackles then settles around us.

"Triple zero. Please state the nature of your emergency."

"My friend's bleeding out, she's been stabbed." Mylie says quickly. My breathing is getting shallower, my limbs feeling heavier. "I'm applying pressure to the wound with a towel but the bleeding isn't stopping.

"Alright, I need the address you are currently at-"

The air stops passing by my lips, and my hands rest limply at my sides as my eyes start to flutter shut.

"Kayla? Kayla!" Mylie shouts. "She isn't breathing! My friend-Kayla-she's not breathing!"

Oh Mylie.

I wish I knew.

Mylie. I wish I had known.

I wish I had know that you saw me as a friend. Not just a replacement. Not just a distraction.

I would of liked to have you as a friend.

I really would have.

Mylie keeps shouting my name, and all I see are stars.

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